Back to School Shopping with Amazon

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The boys start school this week! I cannot believe the summer is already coming to an end. I am so excited for Connor to get back into a routine at school and for him to see his friends again. Third grade seems so old to me but he promises me he is absolutely ready! Noah will be starting Kindergarten and he cannot wait for the first day of school! He has been asking basically since the first day of summer if it was time to go to Kindergarten yet. The kid is pumped!

I did most of my back to school shopping in store a few weeks ago but I did order a few things today. These are items that we have used year after year so I know that they hold up well.

Divided Lunch Containers: We have been using these containers since Connor started school. They hold up really nicely and are easy for little hands to open. I love that we aren’t using tons of plastic bags each day and this also keeps their lunch from getting smashed.

Reusable Ice Packs: I like these because they are thin and fit nicely in their lunch box under their lunch container. The other bulky kind doesn’t fit as well.

Divided Snack Containers: We have a ton of these containers. Connor and Noah each get two of these a day for their snack breaks at school. I also use one in my diaper bag for Audrey’s snacks. For the boys, I love that I can pack them fruit and not have it get all over whatever else I pack for them.

Lunch Box: The boys’ school does not allow any pop culture on their backpacks or lunch boxes. This brand has several cute designs to choose from that aren’t pop culture but still fun. I like the rectangle kind because they fit the lunch containers perfectly. They hold up really well. Connor used his for two grades in a row and could have used it again this year but they are pretty inexpensive and I had to order Noah one so I just grabbed another for Connor. I throw them in the washer (don’t know if you’re supposed to?) like once a month and let it air dry. Day to day though, I just wipe the inside with a wet paper towel.

Alarm Clock: We are going to try alarm clocks this year. I usually wake the boys each morning but I really want to teach them some responsibility and independence. So I will teach them how to use this and help them set their alarm. The hope is they’ll get up with the alarm and then get started on their morning routine on their own before coming out for breakfast. Wish me luck!

Water Bottle: These are our favorite water bottles. They hold 24 ounces and the boys are able to refill them at school.

Backpack: Same deal here- no pop culture allowed. These backpacks have designs the boys like that are school approved and they hold up really well. This year Connor insists on using the same backpack he has been using since 1st grade! I threw it in the wash (again- not sure if you’re supposed to) and it looks brand new.

Lunch Box Notes: These are probably my most favorite purchase. Connor loved having these notes the past couple school years. I know Noah can’t read yet but I hope that this will let him know I am thinking of him throughout the day.

Along with all the supplies the school requests, I picked up a few things that we needed at our homework table at home.

Pencils | Mechanical Pencils | Erasers | Scissors | Glue Sticks | Crayons | Colored Pencils | Composition Books | Index Cards

And I also wanted to grab a few special books about starting Kindergarten for Noah.

This one & This one

So there you have it. I think we are now all set for the new school year!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 8.6.18

    I was just telling my husband that we should try alarm clocks. My son is only in 2nd grade, but if I can find a kid-friendly clock, it will definitely be a good time to start getting him in the habit.

  2. 8.7.18

    Good luck with the alarm! Hope they have a great school year.

    • 8.7.18
      Renae said:

      Thank you 🙂