Second Grade Recap | Connor

Second grade ended a couple weeks ago and we are full swing into summer break! Usually, I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by but this year felt like it lasted a little longer. I can’t believe Connor is as old as he is but the school year seemed a little long. It must be the long drives and busy afternoons juggling second-grade homework, a super active preschooler, a baby who needs a nap but likely isn’t going to take one and making dinner. All at the same time! I know the boys were looking forward to summer break but I was really looking forward to summer break!

I’ve posted about second grade already this year (here) but just like Noah’s Preschool recap, I wanted to put all of Connor’s second-grade events into one post.

First Day!

Connor's 2nd Grade Recap |

2nd Grade Splash Pad meet up

Connor’s first round robin! Practicing for his first chess tournament later in the school year

The annual Mother-Son event at Connor’s school was canceled so we had a mother-son date to the bookstore instead!

2nd Grade Halloween Party

After a semester of soccer practice, Connor had his first soccer tournament!

Winter Music Concert

ER visit for some stitches after falling onto a rock at school. This, unfortunately, would not be our only trip to the ER this school year. 🙁

Western Expansion end of unit celebration

Connor had his last OT visit with Ms. Jessica in December. We miss her terribly but felt Connor was ready for a break after 3 years of weekly OT visits.

Connor had his first field trip this school year! His class visited Butterfly Wonderland after learning about the life cycle of butterflies.

Second trip to the ER.

This time for a severe headache and vomiting. Turned out to be strep.

Field Day!

One of my favorite events at school. I love seeing the kids sweet hearts as they cheer on their classmates.

Annual MRI.

Connor did this hour-long MRI without sedation! So proud of how brave he was.

The scan showed stable Chiari which means another year without surgical intervention!

Annual Sock Hop.

Connor’s first chess tournament.

This chess tournament was a learning experience for all of us. I had no idea it was all day and the parents aren’t allowed in the room while the children play.

Unfortunately, Connor lost all 5 rounds. It was heartbreaking to see him so defeated. We encouraged him to keep playing even though he wanted to leave after a couple rounds. Seeing the disappointment on his face after losing round after round was hard but I am so proud of him for sticking it out.

His classmate and best friend Wyatt played in the tournament, too. Wyatt won each round he played in! Because of how well he did, they earned a school trophy. Wyatt was so sweet and let Connor bring home the school trophy for the weekend!


Ancient Greece end of unit celebration

Art show. Connor chose to present his project “Starry Night” because his TA Ms. White liked it the best 🙂

Connor’s school has the most amazing art teacher. She has encouraged Connor’s love for art and I am always so impressed with the artwork he completes. His technique and understanding of different materials used always blows me away.

Birthday donuts!

Connor asked to celebrate his birthday a bit early with his classmates at school. I brought in donuts for his class. He was so adorable as he served his friends and thanked them as they each told him happy birthday. He told me later that evening that he felt like a king that day! “Everyone kept saying ‘Happy Birthday, Connor!’ and they gave me hugs and high fives! It felt awesome. It was the best day!”

Last Day!

We were all very excited.

This is one of my favorite photos of Connor. If you know him, you might be able to hear his laugh when you look at this photo. This single photo makes me so, so happy!

Lunch with the boys before heading to the splash pad to kick off summer!

Second grade was a great year! Connor had the best teachers and awesome friends. We are excited to see what third grade brings but for now we are going to soak up every second of summer break!



I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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