Pool Bag Essentials

I can’t believe we are already a few weeks into our summer break. The kids and I have been spending a ton of time trying to stay cool in this crazy Arizona heat. That means lots of water activities including visiting our local community pool. Packing us all up to go to the pool has gotten so much easier the more I do it. I have a good idea of what we’ll need while we’re out to make sure our day at the pool is a fun and safe one. Today I am sharing some of our pool bag essentials.

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Pool Bag Essentials | www.thisfamilee.com


Pool Bag Essentials | www.thisfamilee.com

Pool Bag Essentials | www.thisfamilee.com


Pool Bag: This is the greatest pool bag I have tried. And I have tried a ton! I like how big this bag is without being really heavy. I can easily fit all we need for a family of 5 in this one bag. There are tons of pockets all around the outside of the bag to hold all of your water bottles, sunscreen, and sunglasses. And one zippered pocket on the inside for your keys and wallet. If you are taking your kids to the pool or the beach, this will be the perfect bag!

Wet Bags: This is one of the best things I added to our pool bag last summer. Keeping wet swimsuits in these bags helps keep everything else in the bag clean and dry. And it makes it so easy when I am cleaning out the bag at the end of our day to pull out the wet bag and throw the wet suits right into the washer. I have a few sets of these wet bags because I use them so much! Also, quick tip- If the kids wear their swimsuits to the pool, put their dry clothes in the wet bag so they know where to find them when they’re done swimming. They won’t have to rip apart the bag to go searching for their dry clothes. (Fun fact- One of my biggest pet peeves is when my kids or husband tear apart my diaper bag, purse, pool bag, etc. looking for something. It’s very, very frustrating!!)

Cosmetic Pouch: I like to keep a pouch like this in all of my bags. For our pool bag pouch, I keep a small wet brush and a few extra hair ties.

Pool Bag Essentials | www.thisfamilee.com

Pool Bag Essentials | www.thisfamilee.com


Towels: Obviously you’ll need to bring some towels with you to the pool. These are really plush and cozy and actually dry you off. We have used these a ton already and they have washed really nicely.

Sunscreen: I found this sunscreen rated well on the EWG site so this is what we are using this summer. We also like this one for a spray-on version.

Water Bottles: It’s way too hot here to not be drinking water all day. These are the only water bottles we use to make sure the kids are getting enough water. They hold 32oz of water and hold up really well. Hydro Flasks are also really great because they will keep your water super cold all day long.

Sunglasses: These are my favorite, everyday sunglasses. And I like this pair when I want something a little more fun. And for the kids, I like these. They are flexible and hold up really well to the kids being rough with them.

Hat: I have been big on wearing a hat this summer. I like this hat or this visor for myself. And oh my goodness- how cute are these visors for toddlers?


Water Toys: We usually bring a few toys with us for Audrey to play with in the shallow water. Cups are fun, too. The boys like diving rings and other toys that sink.

Goggles: This is our favorite brand of goggles. First, they are super easy to adjust the sizing. I can’t tell you how many pairs of goggles we have ruined by trying to adjust the straps. They fit the boys well and don’t fog up.

Swim Diapers: Audrey isn’t potty trained yet so we are using these disposable swim diapers. I also bought this reusable swim diaper because some public pools require both.

Cover up: I love this adorable coverup dress for Audrey. Perfect to wear over her swimsuit to the pool or after swimming to keep her dry on the way home.

Wet Brush and Hair Ties: I like to keep a brush and hair ties in our pool bag for both Audrey and me. There is nothing worse than not having a hair tie on a hot summer day in Arizona! I brush out Audrey’s hair after swimming with a Wet Brush. These are the best, most gentle brushes for little girls’ hair. For Audrey, I use these little elastics and always have this pony cutting tool with me.

There you have it! Our pool bag essentials. Having your pool bag packed and ready to go will help minimize the amount of time you spend looking for goggles or towels or sunscreen. It will also ensure you don’t forget anything important. It really does save on time and helps you get out the door and to the pool faster.

What are some of your family’s pool bag essentials? Let me know in the comments below if there is anything I left off this list. How are you staying cool this summer?



Photos: Megan Higgins Photography


Pool Bag Essentials | www.thisfamilee.com

I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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