Best Podcasts for Moms

“So, I was listening to this podcast today…”. That’s usually how I start the majority of my conversations with my husband lately. I just can’t help it. I love podcasts. You guys know I spend a lot of time in the car each day and sometimes listening to music just gets a little old. So I started listening to podcasts a couple of years ago and I have really enjoyed the change. Here is my list of the best podcasts for moms.


Before I jump into the list of podcasts I am loving, I wanted to share my favorite wireless earbuds. These are really comfortable, noise-canceling, and the charge lasts me a couple of weeks. They’re really good. If you’re looking for affordable wireless earbuds, check these out!

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The Best Podcasts for Moms |


3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms– This podcast has been a favorite of mine for over a year now. Each week, Rachel interviews a different parenting expert (moms, authors, business owners, physicians, etc.) on topics that cover every aspect of motherhood. I appreciate that these episodes are short, only 30 minutes, and offer 3 practical takeaways for you to put into action today. There are tons of encouragement and support in each episode that I think we all need!

Tilt Parenting: Raising Differently Wired Kids– This one is new to me and I am so glad I found it. This podcast is dedicated to helping and encouraging parents who are raising kiddos who are wired differently. Anxiety, autism, ADHD, sensory issues, dyslexia, and more are covered in this podcast. Discovering this podcast has been such a blessing to me and I hope if you have a differently wired child that you find this podcast to be helpful, too.

Focus on the Family: This podcast was recommended to me by my incredibly wise friend, Jane. Jane has been so helpful to me and is the greatest friend. I hope everyone has a Jane in their life. Anyway, the goal of Focus on the Family is to help families thrive. They provide resources to families to help with raising children and having a loving, healthy marriage. Each new episode is filled with helpful advice and really great wisdom. I really recommend you check this one out!

Focus on the Family Marriage: This podcast focuses on marriage, obviously, and provides really great advice on building a deep connection between husband and wife.

RISE: Another Rachel Hollis podcast and I love it. This one focuses on personal growth and development and I am loving it. Rachel tells it to you straight while also encouraging you in a loving, I’m your best friend kind of way, to become the best version of yourself.


The Goal Digger Podcast: This is a business podcast that has been so encouraging to me over the past 6ish months as I have focused on making this blog a business. Jenna interviews experts who will encourage you to work hard and crush those goals you set for your business.

The Influencer Podcast: This is another business podcast focusing on social media secrets and trends. Julie interviews the best of the best in the social media world who give their tips on navigating the ins and outs of the different social media platforms.

Serial: I love season 1 of Serial. A 12 episode long season covering the story of Adnan Syed. Adnan is currently serving life in prison for the murder of his girlfriend Hae Min Lee. Adnan says he had nothing to do with her death. Was he wrongfully accused or did he do it? Listen to the season and let me know what you think! The current season, season 3 of Serial is good, too!

Dr. Death: Like just about everybody else in the country, I was sucked into the story of Dr. Death. I started this and listened to all 6 available episodes in one day! I really appreciate the weekly updates and I am so anxious to hear how the trial goes!

Update: Here are some more podcasts I have been loving lately!


Armchair Expert

Crime Junkie


Detective Trapp

Dying for Sex

My Favorite Murder

The Murder Squad



Do you have a favorite podcast for moms that I should subscribe to? Let me know in the comments below. Also, make sure you check out my Podcasts for Kids post.

Photos by: Megan Higgins Photography


The Best Podcasts for Moms |

I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 10.15.18

    Oooh, good list! I’m a home health PT and listen to podcasts ALL day! Some of these are new to me though! Thanks so much!

    • 10.16.18
      Renae said:

      Yay! Glad these are new to you! I love finding new podcasts. I hope you enjoy them.
      What is your favorite podcast?
      My best friend is a home health PT, too! 🙂

  2. 10.15.18
    Kattiah said:

    I’m just now getting into podcasts and this post was right on time for me. Great info and I love your webpage!

    • 10.16.18
      Renae said:

      Yay! I’m glad this was helpful to you. Let me know if you find one you enjoy from my list.

  3. 10.16.18
    Tiffany said:

    Looks like you got a good list here! Thanks for sharing ♥️ ♥️ By any chance you are interested on doing collaborations, you can check out the collaborations portal of and connect with amazing brands!


  4. 10.18.18
    Amandela said:

    I like Farnoosh’s podcast just because there was a time when my husband and I were trying to save for a house and her information was very helpful regarding financial planning. I love podcasts. I can’t help but notice you working while listening to them. Is this typically for you?I am curious because I know that I’ve tried but its hard to receive when my focus is on something else. I think it would be cool if I could do both, however. Thanks for sharing! I am always looking for new podcasts and some of the ones mentioned…I plan to check out.

    • 10.18.18
      Renae said:

      Thanks for the recommendation!
      I do typically listen to a podcast while I work. I like to make notes if I hear something while listening so I’ll pause the podcast and write it down. I do get distracted sometimes, tho. I also listen while driving or cleaning the house.

  5. 8.20.21

    I love podcasts! I would also recommend the Parenting in Real Life Podcast!