18 Months – Audrey Grace

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We are still struggling with Audrey’s diet and weight. She is still reacting to dairy and soy, and possibly eggs, so we have eliminated all three for now. Between the diet restrictions and regular toddler pickiness, meal times can be quite frustrating! I can usually get her to eat a decent breakfast and morning snack but beyond that, meals are really hit or miss. Some days she’ll scarf down 8 chicken nuggets in a matter of minutes but other times she throws all of her food on the floor.

It is so frustrating but it also kinda makes me worry because of her lack of weight gain/weight loss. I’ll know for sure when we go to the doctor in a few days, but I can tell she has not made any real progress towards gaining weight.

I was pretty discouraged when I looked back at her growth curve.

At 9 months she was in the 48th percentile.

At 1 year she dropped to the 40th percentile.

13 months she dropped to the 37th percentile.

15 months she had a big drop to the 22nd percentile.

One month later we went in for a weight check and she dropped again to the 19th percentile.

Just looking at her, she “looks healthy”. And you will most likely always see her with some kind of snack in her hands. But don’t let that fool you. She’s losing weight and I need to figure it out, asap!

Some food she does like: oatmeal, cheerios, bananas, apples, cucumbers, chicken nuggets, crackers, veggies straws, snap pea crisps, and guac.

Sister is also having a hard time sleeping. Not every night but a couple times a week she’ll be up at least once throughout the night. When this first started happening, we couldn’t figure out what was going on. She would wake up screaming but then calm down the second we held her. When we tried to put her back down, she would instantly scream. We tried many times to just let her cry it out but she wasn’t letting up so we usually end up holding her or sleeping with her on the couch. It wasn’t until several days later that I finally noticed two top molars! Maybe teething is causing her to wake up a ton?

She has (mostly) transitioned from two naps to one longer nap which has been nice for our schedule. This allows us more time in the morning to be playing or out running errands. The longer stretch in the afternoon allows me more time to get things done around the house or for the blog.

It has been so crazy to hear her vocabulary totally explode! Abe and I were talking last night about how in the last 5 days we have heard so many new words! She still prefers yelling and pointing (ughh the screaming! it’s so painful!) but she does use her words often.

One of my favorite things she has started doing is saying “morning” whenever she sees someone for the first time that day. When she sees the boys in the morning she says “morning!”. When the teacher opens the car door at school drop off, Audrey shouts “morning!”. And when she passes other shoppers at the grocery store she’ll tell them “morning!”. When she walked out of our room after a really rough night of terrible sleep, looking extra cute she says “morning!”. It’s the cutest, sweetest thing EVERRR. I hope I never forget how sweet her little voice is when she shouts “morning!”.

This month she has started saying: oatmeal, tortilla, play-doh, morning, bows, grandma, Judah, and so much more!

She is still trying to say Connor and Noah and can almost say “boys”. She loves her brothers so much and I just love seeing them interact.

Kate Spade Keds

Audrey still loves books and coloring. She has recently started playing with play-doh and absolutely freaks out (in a good way) when she sees the play-doh bin in our pantry. (I keep these small cans of playdoh in her backpack to play with while out of the house.)

Wheels on the Bus and Baby Shark are played way too much in our house but it is so worth it to see her dance. If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably seen her stinking adorable shoulder shimmy thing she does. It’s the best and will always make me laugh out loud no matter how many times I see it.

Playing outside is one of her most favorite things to do. She loves playing with these shovels and balls. She recently got a hand me down Frozen Mustang Power Wheels from her cousin and she is obsessed! She can’t reach the pedals to drive it yet but she will sit in it and eat her snack and play the music over and over and over.

Ugly Sweater

Audrey’s Top | Audrey’s Leggings 

Rose Gold Kate Spade Keds


Denim Jacket | TOMS Mary Janes

Jelly Mary Jane Sandals


We love this silly baby girl so much and we laugh constantly because of the silly things she does! She has been such a blessing to our family and we are so incredibly thankful for her.



I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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