What is this familee up to?

Whew! It has been a long time since I have posted anything exciting.

Not this this will be all that exciting…

So, what’s been going on?

Things are crazy over here. School is going great! I have an A in all of my classes so far! (3 of them are 100%!!) I am loving all of my classes (except Theatre..that one I just like). My 5th class started earlier this month and it is crazy demanding. But I feel really focused and have been enjoying what I am learning. Is it weird that I am already picturing my classroom and imagining how I will set it up?

Things with Connor have been pretty freaking terrible. My sweet boy is really struggling with anger and aggressive behavior. That sounds strange huh? My sweet boy struggling with anger? But it’s true. He is such a sweet boy but has moments of extreme anger and is basically physically abusive to me or Abe. He hits, kicks, and bites. It’s so physically painful but even more emotionally painful.

I have reached me breaking point with the mental health system. A couple weeks ago I called PCH psychology department asking to get an appointment with a psychologist. I was told that because he doesn’t have a diagnosis we can’t be seen there until he is 6. If he were to have a diagnosis they would see him now. So she told me to go to a website, type in certain criteria and a list of psychologists who could help us would come up. Well, no. Not for us. So how the hell are we supposed to get a diagnosis if no one will see us? I feel bad for the poor receptionist. As much as I know that it wasn’t her who made the rule or that she wasn’t the one refusing to help us, I treated her like she was. Sorry receptionist at PCH psych.

So, we decided to start basically at square one again. Connor has an appointment with a new developmental pediatrician (who doesn’t accept any insurance plans so we get to pay $350!) for some testing. I imagine this will be similar to what we have done at Melmed but maybe with a different doctor he will see something else? And then next month we are seeing a neruo psychologist. All she does is testing and will hopefully give us a diagnosis (if there is something to diagnose) and then refer us to a specialist who can help. (Oh, and her fee? $550!) I am praying for some answers. (And for the money fairy to stop by!)

School is going great for Connor. He really loves his teacher and behaves so perfectly at school. I guess I’m glad he saves all of his anger for me? I would hate for anyone else to have to experience a meltdown. He has also started to play more with his friends! This makes me so so so happy!! He even talks about friends from school at home with me. He has this one girl in his class who draws him pictures and hugs him goodbye at the end of the day. So sweet.

Noah is doing great! He scared us a bit at his 18 month check up (I should work on that post seeing how he’s 19.5 months). He lost weight from his 15 month check up and his pediatrician was worried he wasn’t taking in enough calories.At the time of his 18 month check up he was only weighing 20lbs 14oz. I knew he was skinny but he is soooooooo active. Seriously the kid never stops moving. So I assumed that’s why. But, we started adding pediasure to his milk and trying to get him to eat more (he’s not picky, just stubborn) and he seems to have put on some weight! We go back tomorrow for a weight check.

He is talking non stop! And a lot of it is understandable, well, to me at least! His favorite word is still “ball” and he melts my heart when he calls me “Mommy”. He is so funny and a lot of fun. But, dang does that kid have a case of the terrible twos! Especially when he wakes up from his nap, if I don’t hold him the rest of the evening and give him everything he demands, the second he demands it, he screams and cries his little head off. Makes cooking dinner really difficult! Take out has been on rotation quite a bit in this house.

Abe is enjoying his new clinic. He is being treated so much better there and has seen tons of families from the other clinic. I’m so proud of him! I love that families love the care he provides so much that they follow him to his new place. He has been back at the gym super consistently and dannnng he looks good 🙂 (not that he didn’t before!) He hosts mens Bible study at our house wednesday nights and really enjoys his time with the guys. He has been super supportive and more involved with all of Connor’s appointments. He even filled out a ton of the paperwork for his new doctor. He told me “these forms are draining.” Uh, yeah! I know! I’ve been doing it for the last year. He’s also been helpful in letting me get homework done and even going with me to the museum for one of my assignments. He helped me study for my math test I took this week (and got 100% on!) and it was actually fun! I think he’s excited for me to be a teacher. The other day I was dressed for church and he was like “Babe! You look so cute. You look like a teacher!” It was really sweet!

Ok, I think that’s it for now!

Back to homework…


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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