Weekend Wrap Up — Vegas, Baby!

This weekend I surprised Abe with a quick (18 hours!) getaway to Las Vegas. But before that, Noah and I had a little sleepover together in my bed. He usually comes into our bed sometime during the night but for some reason on Friday night he was refusing to fall asleep in his bed. I quickly gave in and let him sleep in my room since Abe was gone for the night.


Saturday morning I dropped the boys off with my parents for their sleepover. They were so excited to go to the zoo! 


I headed out to a blow dry bar to quickly get my hair done and hurried home to finish packing. Abe got home just a few minutes before the first surprise arrived — a limo!



He had no idea where we were going and I loved every minute of being able to surprise him. We drank a couple glasses of wine and talked about how nice it was to have some time away for just us. As we got closer to the airport I told him to close his eyes until we got there 🙂 I didn’t want him to see the signs and attempt to guess where we were going & he was happy to close his eyes for a few minutes. A win-win 😉


I don’t know why I felt so rushed once we arrived at the airport but since I did, I didn’t get very many photos. I wish I would have at least captured the look on his face when he realized we were at the airport! When we got closer to security I finally told him where we were going…Vegas, Baby!


The best part about flying to Las Vegas is we get there in an hour! I waited until we got in the cab to tell him where we were staying. I knew where he would want to gamble and since we had such a short amount of time I thought it would be better to stay at the same casino. So when he found out we were staying at Caesar’s Palace he was pretty excited!

When we checked in, they upgraded our room. It was the nicest room I have ever stayed in (2 bathrooms, a master closet, motorized drapes, a huge shower with more shower heads than I have ever seen, a TV in the mirror, bigger than our current living situation, door bell) and made the short trip even more special.

We headed downstairs for some gambling & shopping. I was on a mission to find a backpack/purse & Abe was on a mission to win some “cotton candy” colored chips. Mission accomplished.


Sunday morning we woke up & got ready to head over to the airport for our 10:15 flight. We got there with just a few minutes before we had to be in line to board. But I did get to see the Benefit vending machine. As I was looking for something to buy from it, Abe gave me the craziest looks. So we kept walking. 😉


Standing in front of the B line at our gate, a couple comes rushing up and asks us which number we were. As we tell them B1 & B2 they look confused and say “We’re B1 & B2!!” I give a little smile and say “Oh, this flight is going to Phoenix.” They suddenly look very confused and start looking around, I’m sure wondering how they ended up at the wrong gate. Then a lady behind us says “Umm, no. This flight is going to North Carolina.” WHAT?! Now I’m the one wondering how the hell this happened. How did I end up at the wrong gate and will I have enough time to get to the right gate?! 

We went over to the flight board and couldn’t find our flight number listed. What the heck?! Abe goes over to a ticket agent and asks her where we are supposed to be. “Yup. C9. That’s right.” More confused looks. Abe finally discovers our boarding pass says 9:45PM! Oh shoot! I booked us an evening flight! Luckily the agent was able to switch us to a 10:30am flight without issue but I definitely felt like an idiot.


We boarded shortly after that only to discover there weren’t 2 seats left together. I knew what was about to happen and unfortunately I was right. Abe gets a seat between to two men, both of these guys looked like they had showered that morning and they weren’t spilling into the seats beside them. Two of my favorite things when flying. Me on the other hand, I get to sit next to a man who smelled like a mixture of warm beer & stinky feet and a woman who had the most flying anxiety I have ever seen. Any bump and she let out a little scream and grabbed anything she could- including my thigh & shoulder. Awesome.

Thankfully the flight was only an hour and I just focused on getting home to my boys. We landed a little before noon and my mom was waiting outside in the car with my handsome guys! First thing C asks for is the ipad & Noah woke up from his nap quickly just to tell me he has an owie before falling back asleep. Ahhh…we are home 🙂


That night we had a nice dinner together to celebrate Mother’s Day. Around 4am Connor woke me up to tell me he threw up on the floor in his room. Nothing says “mom” like cleaning up puke at 4am…




I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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