Weekend Wrap Up

Abe had Friday off so we took full advantage of his three-day weekend. After he dropped Connor off at school he took Noah over to Cari’s house and we cashed in our Valentines Day gift—an hour long couples massage! Both of us desperately needed a massage but it was even more fun to get to enjoy this together!

After picking up the boys we had a quick lunch together. Cari dropped off her boys with Abe and her and I went to a meeting for Sunday School. We left Abe for about 2.5 hours with all 4 boys and surprisingly it went well 🙂

Instead of cooking dinner (on a Friday? No thank you!) we decided to go out to dinner together. 4 adults and 4 kids…are we crazy?! Kinda. After almost an hour wait we were finally seated. Overall the kids did great & the adults were able to enjoy our time together. Noah did eventually give in to his exhaustion after filling his belly, though.


Saturday morning the boys had their first soccer practice! They were petty excited. Connor was eager to participate while Noah took a bit to warm up. They both gave great effort and really had a great time! I can’t wait to see how they do after a few more lessons.





It wouldn’t be a Saturday for the Lee’s without a quick visit to the new house followed by lunch at Chili’s. Our house now has windows! And the heating and cooling system was going in.


Cheers-ing with their corn dogs 🙂



I started to feel sick after lunch so a nap was definitely in order before date night. I didn’t really feel any better after my nap but we had plans with our friends Brittany & Taylor and I was really looking forward to seeing them so I put on some makeup and tried hard to ignore how bad I felt.


We went to a new pizza place near us, Char Pizzeria . It’s kinda like Chipotle but for pizza. After selecting a specialty pizza from their menu, or creating your own, they pop the pizza into an 800 degree wood fired oven and bake for 150 seconds! I got the Prosciutto & Fig and it was delish!  After dinner we grabbed some frozen yogurt before picking up the boys around 8. I totally sucked at taking any pictures of the night, but I did get a couple.



It was so nice to spend time with Brittany and Taylor! It makes Abe and I so happy to know that even though we are no longer living across the street from them, we still get to see them and catch up. We laugh and have such a great time with them and feel blessed to have them in our lives. (Along with all our other Enclave families 🙂 )

I was definitely feeling more sick by this point so I went right to bed when we got home. I woke up not feeling any better on Sunday. But thankfully I got a prescription from this doctor I know 😉 and hope to be feeling better soon.


Sunday night Abe and I started a new puzzle—I know, we’re super cool ;p But it’s a fun way for Abe and I to spend time together at home after the boys go to bed.



Well, there you have it. Our exciting, sick weekend is over and now it’s Monday. I’m hoping this week is easy on me and that we can all finally get healthy!

Have a great week, friends!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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