Weekend Wrap Up – October 28

Abe’s work schedule has been busier than usual the past couple weeks so our weekend didn’t officially kick off until after 6pm Friday evening. Being the wonderful father and husband he is, Abe didn’t waste any time after walking through the door. After a long day of working as a pediatrician he quickly switched hats (changed clothes and heated up leftovers from the night before) and was in full on Dad-mode. We gathered our treats – water & popcorn for the littles and beer & ice cream sandwiches for the adults – and hung out together in the playroom watching the greatest Halloween movie ever; Hocus Pocus. Abe hadn’t seen this movie before and neither had the boys so I was excited to share it with them finally!


Connor liked the movie and even turned it on again the next morning but Noah was a little scared. He even hid behind his chair for some of the movie. But he did watch and laugh at my favorite part so I was happy! (Uhmuch Uhmuch Uhmuch…uhhhh!) 🙂

Saturday afternoon we went over to my parents house for Grandma and Papa’s Halloween Party! The boys were so excited to see their cousins! My mom had some fun activities planned for the kids and I brought a few crafts along, too.


I seriously love this time of year. All of the celebrations and events that get the family together really is my favorite thing!

My mom picked up all the supplies needed to make these cute popcorn hands. I totally remember making these in elementary school so of course I loved making them with my kids. Noah had a hard time controlling himself around the candy corn “fingernails” and Connor preferred eating the popcorn instead of stuffing it in the glove! Gavin and Gwynn filled theirs perfectly with Grandma and Papa’s help. They each added a cute spider ring to complete the look. Gwynn gave hers a bracelet. 🙂



We also made mummies & painted little coffins.


The kids each took turns helping Grandma dip apples in caramel. They did a great job and I think my mom LOVED having their help! sat5

The kids played together so nicely and really enjoyed their time together! I am already pinning lots of fun things to do together for Thanksgiving and Christmas!


I had been battling a nasty headache all day so after the Halloween party, I attempted to take a nap. Even after a couple hours in bed, the headache was still raging.  In an attempt to not completely disappointment my family, I pulled myself together and we headed out for a quick dinner. We tried Fired Pie for the first time. It was pretty good. Abe and I both liked the flavor of the crust and the boys devoured their cheese pizza so I think it’s safe to say they like Fired Pie, too! 


Someone please tell me what I need to do to get a nice picture of my boys! Are we just at an age where those are few and far between? Individually, I can usually get a good photo of each of them but for some reason when I attempt to get one of the boys together, they suddenly put on the strangest looking smiles and look anywhere but the camera. Do I just accept it?? Is this the phase we are at? I really hope not!

Sunday’s don’t look much different for us week to week: Church, lunch and then home for quiet time/naps. I attempted a quick run to Target for some groceries but the store was an absolute zoo! I forgot that grocery shopping on a Sunday evening during the school year is so not worth it! I did grab what we needed to make mummy hotdogs before quickly coming home.

Connor and Noah joined me in the kitchen for a super easy dinner! The boys liked being able to help me put these together and loved eating them! They even had them for snack the next day!



After dinner and baths, I put the boys to bed while Abe started on our dinner.

We got a super cute book at the book store a few weeks ago and I thought it went perfectly with our Halloween themed weekend. Connor thought the book was funny and I have to agree! It was a super cute story with really fun illustrations. Check out ‘I Need My Monster’ the next time you’re at the book store.


After the boys were down, I finished helping Abe in the kitchen. Hello Fresh has really given me some confidence in my cooking and it’s been fun for Abe and I to cook together. Whenever I pull something out of the oven or plate our meals I always think “Wow! I made that!”. Kinda proud of myself!


We enjoyed a quite dinner together at home, something that almost never happens, and watched a couple of our DVR’d shows before I called it a night! Monday mornings come way too fast and usually with not enough sleep so I do my best to get to bed early.

Thanks for checking in with us! Let me know what you all have planned for the holiday season.





I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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