Weekend Wrap up – October 14


I realize I am a week late with this post but this weekend was just too good to leave out!

Our busy weekend officially kicked off on Friday afternoon with Connor’s First Grade Halloween Party. I am so thankful that the moms putting the event together understand how much the siblings want to participate and allowed them to come celebrate as well.

The boys had their Halloween costumes picked out back in August (Thank you, Costco!) so they were super excited when it was finally time to put them on! Noah looked super cute as a little SWAT Police officer and of course Connor wanted to be Kylo Ren from Star Wars.





The party was a lot of fun with different activities and yummy snacks for the kids. They all enjoyed being together with their classmates outside of school for some Halloween fun!

We had to leave the party a little early to head over to Grandma and Papa’s house to meet up with everyone before going to the fair. We have been going to this fair for as long as I can remember and we really look forward to it all year long! It’s been really fun to take the boys places that I loved so much when I was their age!

Of course Grandma and Papa had to give each grandkid some “walking around money” before we left!


We met up with my brother and his family and my cousin and her family. All the kids had so much fun together & it was a blast to watch them run all over the place and bounce from ride to ride all night long!


My dad bought EACH KID their own bag of cotton candy. Who needs that much cotton candy?! Thankfully my boys forgot about it and it may have found itself in the trash the next morning…



I did a really crappy job of getting any good photos! I struggle between trying to get the perfect shot and wanting to enjoy the moment. I haven’t been bringing my “good” camera anywhere lately because I just want to be in the moment with my family but then I kick myself later when all I have are blurry iphone photos! I need to figure out the balance between the two.

Saturday morning Abe had to work so I took the boys out to the Halle Heart Children’s Museum in Tempe. I had found out about a Toddlers Test Kitchen class they were hosting and thought the boys and I should give it a shot! We had some time before our class started so we played around in the museum for a bit.


In the Test Kitchen, the boys made baked apples and sweet couscous. It was a lot of fun to watch them cook and make a mess in someone else’s kitchen 😉 I really need to get better about allowing them to help in the kitchen. Especially after seeing how much then enjoyed it, I really need to lighten up and allow them to cook with me!





After cooking we had more time to explore the museum. The boys really enjoyed the little scientists area. Noah wanted to make “zombies that come to life” and Connor loved the mini microscope!




After the museum we grabbed a quick lunch before heading home for naps. Ok, well…the boys didn’t nap but I certainly did!

My nephew, Gavin, had a flag football game close by that the boys and I got to watch. Gav looked so cool in his jersey and he even scored a couple touchdowns!


Sunday was a pretty typical Sunday for us: church, nap/quiet time, and chores to get ready for the week. I made us another meal from Hello Fresh. (For $40 off your first box use my code: YTUREG) This time we had Pork and Apple Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a salad. This one was really good! The boys loved it. I love when I can put together a delicious meal for my family! I am most definitely not the best in the kitchen but I do feel proud of myself when I can pull something like this off!


We are just finishing up Fall Break and I gotta say- I’m looking forward to getting back into our routine and “normal” daily life. Fall break was super fun but I need some routine around here 😉

I hope you all gad a great week! Come back later this week for a fun recap of our fall break!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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