Weekend Wrap Up – July 22

This past week was crazy busy and come friday afternoon I was exhausted! Abe grabbed some salad and bruschetta from Char. We put the boys to bed and got cozy on the couch with our food, a couple beers & got caught up on Big Brother!


Saturday morning I got busy working on some things in the house. I am sick of seeing our den full of crap so I have been attempting to organizing that room. One of the things in there was a sofa table we bought at Ikea months ago. I put it together (mostly by myself!) and wanted to get some cute accent pieces to decorate it. After an hour or so on Pinterest, Noah and I took off to HomeGoods!


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Noah shopped til he dropped 😉

I plan to have this table stained or painted and I want to add a fun mirror above but I think it’s starting to look kinda cute!


I totally suck at decorating but after looking at tons of model homes I have gotten a more clear idea of what I like. One thing I really wanted to get done at the house was putting up curtains. I had a curtain company over a few weeks ago and was shocked that what I picked out was going to cost over $3K! Um, no. I was bummed because Abe and I both really liked the fabric I picked out.

So I went on a hunt for more affordable curtains and I found some for our bedroom and living room at Kirkland’s for under $100! They arrived on Friday and Abe agreed to put them up Saturday afternoon. It wasn’t super easy because neither one of us are very handy and I think we are both really scared to mess up our new house! But it turned out exactly how we wanted it. I plan to post more pictures of the house as we finish more things, so stay tuned! 😉


Saturday afternoon the boys and I went over to my parents house for swimming and pizza with my brother and his family. It was super fun!



Sunday was just like any other Sunday for us: church. lunch. nap. grocery shop. Sunday evening, however, was very different. Connor had his repeat sleep study scheduled. We are still trying to figure out the cause for the daytime sleepiness and his doctor was not impressed with the sleep study from last year so he ordered another one. Super fun, let me tell you! (NOT!)

After checking in, I could tell C was getting nervous so I brought out the good ol Snapchat to distract him 😉



We got called back into our room for the night and the first thing I noticed was this…my “bed” for the night. Awesome. WeekendJ8

Connor got all hooked up and for the most part, tolerated the wires and glue well.


Until they put on the thing that monitors the co2 (most important part of the test since C’s doc thinks he may be retaining some co2 causing sleepiness & headaches). He said it reminded him of the mask from his MRI. It took a good 2 hours to get him to calm down and finally fall asleep.

By that point, I was so exhausted but couldn’t fall asleep. So, I went shopping. I wanted to check out a few things I had on my wishlist from the Nordstrom sale that were sold out. Fortunately, a few things had been restocked! Wahoo!


As soon as I had placed my order I was ready to call it a night. 5 minutes later, though, Connor woke up pretty pissed off and trying to rip off all the leads. I had to calm him and then re-tape everthing ever so gently about every 45 minutes until 3am. Finally from 3am until the tech woke him up at 5:30 he slept. It felt like having a newborn! I was soooooo exhausted this morning!

We have another busy week ahead. Doctor appointments, playdates, house stuff. Lots going on.

Oh, and only 2 weeks until school starts! Yay!

I hope you all have a great week!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 7.25.16
    uncle aug said:

    hang in there i hope we get some questions answered from this sleep study. thanks for the update!