Weekend Wrap Up – July 15, 2016

This weekend started early for us since Abe had Friday off! We got to hang out together for a bit at home and then took the boys to see Ghostbusters! Connor has been counting down the days until this movie came out and was super excited to remind me “Mommy! It’s finally July the 15th! Ghostbusters day!”

We went to AMC at Arrowhead for the first time and I was pleasantly surprised to discover they have a bar in the theatre! Being able to drink an ice cold beer and kick back in reclining chairs makes watching any movie more fun!


The boys loved the movie. I thought it was cute, too! I thought it was pretty cool that the theatre arranged to have The Ghostbusters outside after the movie! Connor thought it was cool but got surprisingly shy when it was their turn to take a picture so Abe had to join them 😉


Friday night Abe had plans with some of the guys so after I put our boys to bed, I got busy on a super fun blog post. I had been eyeing the Nordstrom Anniversary sale for a few days so I decided to put together a short list of some items I plan to pick up from the sale. It was nice to work in a quiet house for a couple hours.


Late Saturday morning we went over to my cousin Aimee’s house for Mason’s 6th Birthday party. It was such fun day with swimming, water balloons, and cake!







WeekendS7Benefit of having a boy- peeing in the rocks :p








Saturday ended with Connor complaining of a headache 🙁 My guess is the heat combined with a few treats he usually doesn’t eat is what did it. He suffers from headaches most days and it has been so challenging trying to figure out how to manage them. It seemed like a little ibuprofen and some rest helped him this day.

Sunday was a special day at church. Our friends, Kevin and Jane, had their son, Judah, dedicated to the Lord. Kevin took a couple minutes to share his prayer for his son and it was absolutely beautiful! It’s a huge blessing to be a part of this church family and see all of our sweet children grow up together.


After the service, Jane showed my boys the silly filters on Shapchat and they were LOVING it!


I was seriously craving tacos by the time we left church so the 4 of us went out for lunch. While we were waiting for our food to arrive we all took turns being police officers 😉


After lunch I wasted no time getting into my Sunday afternoon nap- something I look forward to all weekend! The boys went back and forth between iPad time and their toys in the playroom and Abe watched a movie on the couch. I think we all look forward to this downtime before the crazy week begins.

My mom was finally coming home from her vacation and Noah and I were very excited to pick her up from the airport!

We all had a great weekend and I actually feel some motivation to get things done this week. There’s lots to be done at the house and I need to get started on attacking Connor’s back to school shopping.

I hope you all have a great week!

Only 3 more weeks until school starts!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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