These past few weekends (as well as the next few weekends coming up!) have been so busy! I feel like when our family is busy, we are busyyyy. The busy weekends stick around for a while and then things eventually slow down before picking back up again.
This weekend was very warmly welcomed as both boys were finally feeling better & seemed to be almost fully recovered from the nasty stomach bug that hit last week.
Friday morning Noah and I met up with Cari, Jackson & Carter for some Desert Donuts and coffee. It was so nice to catch up with Cari and the boys loved running around pretending to be super heros!
After picking up Connor from school, I quickly made lunch and we settled in for some quiet time. As exhausted as I was, the dust in the apartment was haunting me and I couldn’t fall asleep. So, I got started cleaning. I eventually cracked open a cerveza and tackled the messy kitchen. Cold beer + Grey’s Anatomy + Honest Multi-Surface Cleaner = the easiest & fastest way to clean!
Later that night the boys and I got to watch my sweet niece graduate Pre-K! I am so proud of how sweet this girl is. Seeing her on stage singing with her classmates made me the proudest auntie! I love you, Gwynnie!
Saturday morning the boys and I took off to Starbucks to let Abe get an extra hour or so of uninterrupted sleep. After coffee for me, blueberries & milk for Connor, and a cake-pop for Noah, we picked up Abe and drove over to the new house. It is so much fun to check the progress of the house lately because almost daily things are changing.
Saturday night I had plans to go out with some of the moms from Connor’s school. We are so blessed to have met such great families this school year. These ladies have been so much fun to get to know!
The Children’s Museum puts together adult only Play Dates every few months. This months theme was Prom! We were all so excited to get dressed up and head out for a night of fun! The sold-out event turned out to be way more fun than I initially thought. They had food trucks, several bars set up, a DJ with a dance floor, a photo booth, games, and most of the museum exhibits were open. They even crowned a Prom Queen and King! We had a great time dancing and people watching. We even went through the giant climber to hang out in the huge bathtub (would have been more fun if we could have brought our drinks ) and ran through the Noodle Forest.
Sunday was a pretty normal day for us. We went to church to hear the first message in a new series; Faith That Works: A Series Through the Book of James. It was a really great first message and I encourage you to listen to it. (here)
Noah needed new sandals and I needed to get my sunglasses fixed so we went to the mall to run some errands and have lunch together. Of course the boys enjoyed some playtime at the Lego store.
That evening Abe took Connor and Noah to see the new Captain America movie. Abe said Noah slept on his lap through most of it and Connor couldn’t take his eyes off the screen. Sounds about right
This week has a lot going on, including family photos & Connor’s Kindergarten promotion, and I am excited to continue counting down the days until we move into the new house. Only 30ish days left!!!!
I hope you all had a great weekend!