Weekend Wrap Up 2/16/14

What a busy weekend! It has been a few weeks since we have had a packed weekend. I personally enjoy having a lot of plans on the weekend, especially when they include all four of us as a family!


Friday was another gorgeous day here in Phoenix so we put on our summer clothes and flip flops and headed outside to play with the water table. This is the perfect toy for us. Both kids can play at the same time. Connor especially loves the table and could play at it for a long time. Noah spent quite a while at it, too! Water tables are a must have! Kids love them!








This was Noah’s first time in the Cozy Coupe! He loved it!




Until he fell off the seat… haha!IMG_0537


Connor got new sunglasses from a trip to the mall earlier that day. He loves them and actually kept them on. He looks super cool in them 🙂







Saturday morning, two of our neighbors put together a Valentine’s Day party for the kids in the neighborhood. This was such a cute little get together and the kids had a blast! They had snacks (trail mix, pretzels, fruit, and pink lemonade) and different activities for the kids. They each got to decorate a bag to put Valentine cards in and decorate a sugar cookie.
























After the party we headed over to Johnnie’s Chicago Red Hots for our last hot dog lunch. Our friends dad owns this hot dog restaurant and after decades of owning it, he has decided to retire. It was a really fun lunch and we got to see a lot of friends in the short amount of time we were there. The kids were running around inside and outside of the restaurant so I didn’t get a chance to take any photos.

Except for this one…my friend Sarah has 3 daughters. They are so cute and really sweet girls. Sarah always has them dressed up and looking adorable and I always think if I had a girl, she would have their style! Since Sunjoo (her youngest) wasn’t wearing her headband I decided to try it on Noah…Abe wasn’t too thrilled 😉




Sundays are always crazy for us! Church starts at 10:30 in the morning so its always a chaotic mess trying to get two kids and two adults fed, showered, dressed, and ready to go. I am proud of us when we make there by 10:40.

After church we came home for lunch. I heated up left overs (nachos!) and Noah went down for a nap.

Later in the afternoon Abe took Connor and Noah to the park. I met them there a little bit later (after I woke up from a nap ;)) and we played for 3 hours! I love our neighborhood so much because of all of the amazing families that live here. We have become really good friends and our kids all like playing together, too! It is such a blessing to live in our community and I couldn’t be happier!


After the park Connor & I went to pick up some dinner. After such a busy day he fell asleep in his car seat about 10 seconds into the drive!




After 40 minutes round trip we got our In-n-Out burger and fries! Abe had already fed and bathed Noah and put him to bed, so I put Connor to bed and Abe and I were able to eat dinner together on the couch and watch a movie. Perfect ending to a busy weekend!


Now, to take on the next week…







I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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