Weekend With Abe’s Parents

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A couple weeks ago, Abe’s parents came from Ohio to spend a few days with us. We had a great time and were so blessed by them while they were here.

Sarah, Abe’s Mom, gave me the entire four days “off”. She did all of the cooking, got up with the kids in the morning, and put them to bed each night. The extra rest was so appreciated!

Abe’s parents are really sweet and I am very lucky to have married into such a wonderful family.

They love our kids so much. I appreciate how much effort they put into being involved with the boys despite the physical distance between us. Sarah is always sending cards and books to the kids throughout the year to let them know that she is thinking of them. She is faithfully praying for our family and for that we are so grateful.

While they were here, the boys went on several long walks with their Haraboji (Grandpa in Korean) and even hiked the mountain by our house together a couple of times.

They played so many games, baked cookies, and read a ton of books with their Halmonie (Grandma in Korean).

And Abe and I were even able to sneak away for a date night!

In the past, hosting Abe’s parents for several days would give me crazy high anxiety. I would spend the days leading up to their arrival frantically cleaning and organizing and stressing about all the things. I would stress about how clean my house was, how my kids would behave, and I really stressed about how I would feed them. I am not the greatest cook and it makes me even more anxious to have to cook for people other than my family.

This time, though, I had a completely different mindset. I stopped trying to be the “perfect” mom and wife. I didn’t stress over how clean my house was or wasn’t. I didn’t worry if my kids needed to be disciplined. I was just me.

There was something so freeing about this mindset. I was so much more relaxed and was able to actually enjoy our time together.

We really did enjoy this time with Abe’s family and I feel so blessed to have them so active in our kids’ lives.

Thanks, Mom and Dad for such a fun and relaxing visit.



Photos by: Megan Higgins Photography

Audrey’s Leggings

Audrey’s Sweater

Audrey’s Shoes

My Top

My Jeans




I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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