We Sold Our Home!

This week we sold out first family home. 

It is such a strange feeling to be closing this part of the process and moving onto the next.

Towards the end of summer, Abe and I started talking about our MY desire to have a one story house. I wanted an open floor plan where we could entertain family and friends and the ability to have his family come visit us for longer periods of time and have their own space. It took a bit of convincing and a random trip to a model home with our friend Jon but Abe was on board.

Fast forward to middle of September, Abe and I found ourselves sitting in the sales office signing papers on a new build home and putting our current home on the market! Whew. That happened fast.

We got an offer within a few weeks and started packing and making arrangements for where we will stay until our new house is ready. (In a 2 bedroom apartment for 6 months. Yikes!)


The Buyers took ownership Monday November 23rd. 

It’s strange to think we no longer live in our home.

I hope the new owners love our home as much as we do. I hope they make special memories with their family like we did. I hope they appreciate the safe environment and fun memories we experienced while living there.

I hope they know if they need anything (landscape services, a stick of butter, a Miller Lite or some essential oils) they can count on Jenn.

I hope they introduce themselves (quickly!! and with a smile!) to Jill. They’ll be more likely to be invited to her awesome pool parties if they do. But I’ve learned from experience that if they don’t, she’ll probably still give them a second chance 😉

I hope they check out and promptly return whatever they may borrow from Jon. And don’t be too scared of him…he’s a teddy bear under that rough exterior. And his wife keeps him in line!

Make sure you include yourselves in the Movie at the Park nights. It was my idea to have these and I knew Andy and Stacy would be the ones to execute it perfectly and more grand than I could have imagined. Just lend them some electricity and it’ll be a night you won’t forget. Don’t forget to check out their house on Halloween, too!

If you have a couple drinks at the Movie in the Park night ask Nana Sandy for a ride home in her golf cart. She may even pick you up from a bar if you’ve had too many drinks and you can’t remember the number to the cab company. I don’t know this first hand but I have heard this from a few of the ladies in the ‘hood. (I won’t name names 😉 )

The Christmas parties are really fun. A couple tips, tho…

  1. Don’t day drink before the party and then take countless number of shots at Jon’s house during the party. You’ll regret it. The bathroom floor is a really uncomfortable place to sleep.
  2. Don’t ride a bike through Jon’s house. Who did this is still up for debate but I heard it was this single act that shut the party down.

Join book club if you like to read. Actually…you don’t even need to like to read. You don’t even need to read the assigned book. You just need to like to drink wine and talk about anything other than the book. Candice or Courtney can get you plugged into this super fun group. They even have “props” to bring home to the husband to prove that book club is a real thing! But, I’m sure your husband will feel the same way our husbands do–“Just call it like it is — Wine Club!”

I’d tell you to join Bunco but I’m not ready to give up my spot. This is a night you’ll look forward to each month. You’ll laugh so hard you’ll pee, possibly weigh your breasts on a kitchen scale, break open Pinatas, and take shots at half time. Oh, and check behind shower curtains before you use the restroom. TRUST ME! But like I said, I’m not giving up my spot.

There are so many amazing families in this neighborhood.

Get to know them.

Enjoy them.

They are the best.

Thank you neighbors for the most amazing memories. We have been so blessed to call you neighbors but now friends. We love you all and can’t wait to see you leave the bubble and make the journey down to our new house.






why are we leaving all of this, again?


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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