Top Outside Toys for Summer

I love playing with my boys outside.

Some vitamin D, exercise, and using their imagination…what more could we ask for?!

Here are some of our top outside toys for summer.   OutsideToys.jpg1.Play House: My parents bought this for Noah for his first birthday and it is PERFECT! Both boys can fit in at the same time to play together. Connor’s favorite part is the windows that open. He pretends it’s the Starbucks drive-thru. If only he could really make me an iced skinny caramel macchiato from his play house…

2. Little Tikes Basketball Hoop: I randomly picked this up one day thinking Connor would like it. Little did I know, Noah would LOVE it!! It has an adjustable height so he can actually make the ball in the hoop! He is a little basketball star in the making!

3. Water table: Life. Saver. Seriously, you have got to have one! The easiest way to entertain kids for a long time!

4. Cozy Coupe: A classic. My boys love to push each other in this. And they also love to fight over who gets to drive. Sigh. I should probably just buy another.

5.Fisher Price Super Sound Soccer Goal: My parents bought this for Connor as a Christmas gift. The boys don’t play with this one as much as their other outside toys, but Connor likes to pull it out when he has friends over. Abe and I have used to a few times to see who is the better goalie. (I am, in case you were wondering 🙂 )

6. Bubble Gun: Remember in Knocked Up when Paul Rudd’s character said he wishes he loved anything as much as his kids love bubbles? Seriously, so true! You know what they love even more? Bubble guns!! I love them, too, because they are a lot less messy and the kids can do it themselves. No more getting light-headed from blowing bubbles for an hour!

7. A Kiddie pool: During the summer in Phoenix, you’ve gotta have a pool. Enough said!

8. Chalk: Your collection of outside toys wouldn’t be complete without chalk! We love the Crayola kind. The colors are brighter and they don’t usually snap in half as you’re drawing on the concrete.

So there you have it guys! Our favorite summer toys!

I hope this gives you some ideas for playing outside with your kids!

Thanks for stopping by!




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I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 5.29.14
    carol said:

    I am so glad you are blogging again!! these are great!!!!!