Noah Update

Noah has changed and grown up so much the past few months. It seems like it’s all about Connor on the blog lately so I wanted to quickly give an update on sweet Noah.

So, what’s new with Noah?

He literally talks none stop. We talk to each other all day, every day so I kind of forget that’s he’s only 3. When I stop myself and remind myself of that- I am just blown away by his vocabulary. He knows so many words and chats it up with anyone & everyone! He’s really expressive and super funny when he tells stories!

He’s obsessed with batman toys, like the little imaginext ones, and will play with them for hours. He also really loves Legos. Well, maybe not actually playing with the Legos but he loves to dump the 3 million Legos we have all over the floor in the playroom. The sound of Legos spilling out of the bin makes me lose my shit almost instantly. He loves the library and the park when it’s not a million degrees outside.

He also loves playing with Connor. Most of the time. They love completely annoying each other, too. Everything is a race. Unless it’s not. For example: Putting on shoes- Noah: “Connor, I’m going to beat you.” Connor: “No you won’t. I’m going to beat you!” Connor puts his shoes on first. Extremely pissed off Noah yells “There’s no racing!!!!” This happens 2-3 times a day. At least.

His diet is super frustrating. He still eats a really good breakfast but then the rest of the day all he wants to eat is snacks. And cake pops. And cookies. And lollipops. Lunch? NO THANK YOU! Dinner? Heck no! It’s really frustrating to try to get him to eat a balanced diet. We’re working on it.

He still gets out of his room each night and comes to our room. Some nights he’s satisfied with sleeping on our floor, some nights he needs to be in our bed. This is getting really old and Abe is super frustrated by it. I’m too tired to try to fight him on it. But I’m probably too tired because he keeps me up when he’s in our bed and I should probably put him back to his own bed. But I just don’t have it in me to teach him to stay in his bed. I’m just holding on to the fact that he won’t want to sleep with us forever. This has to end eventually, right?! He also still sucks his thumb. Still only in bed. Another thing I should probably be more concerned with stopping. But I’m not. He’ll figure it out.

He’s still tiny. His 2T shorts still fit and some are even falling right off of him! Shirts are mostly 3T. I definitely don’t see him fitting into Connor’s old 3T shorts at all this summer. I’m praying he’ll hit a growth spurt so that the 3T jeans we have will fit this fall otherwise I’m going to be buying a whole lot of jeans!

He doesn’t nap daily, and hasn’t in almost a year, even though he would really benefit from it. He hits a wall around 3 or 4 each afternoon. Sometimes I’ll find him asleep in the playroom or he’ll fall asleep in the car and he’ll let me transfer him to his bed for an actual nap. These days are awesome except it makes bedtime a little hard. I’m hoping we get into a routine when Connor is at school all day. A routine that involves nap time 😉

He’s so silly. Really, really silly. He loves to tell jokes and laugh. And oh man, does he have the best laugh! He really does bring our family such joy and I couldn’t possibly love him more! He’s just the sweetest boy!
































I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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