Noah – 15 Month Update!

You have quite the vocabulary! You can say:
-Mamma & Mommy
-Dadda & Daddy
-Night Night
-Hi & Bye
-Ball (your favorite!You say it about a million times a day!)
-Yes & No

You also sign several words:
-Thank You

You are still really skinny but you are a great eater! You love to eat bananas and drink milk. 
You are a great sleeper. You still take 2 naps a day but occasionally you just take one big nap. You sleep from about 730 at night until about 8 in the morning. It’s awesome!

You like praying with Daddy before bed.

You are still the happiest boy!

You have a lot of friends and steal the harts of perfect strangers. 

I love seeing our neighbors love on you. You have a special bond with Taylor. You love when he holds you and you reach for him if you aren’t already in his arms. 
We need to work on your biting. Your poor brother has a couple bruises on his back right now from your quick biting attacks.
You started walking {finally} well into your 14th month and you totally have it down. It’s hilarious to see you take something from your bother and then run super fast away from him while he chases you.

You have also started to show an interest in music. You like singing “Na na na” in Sunday School with all the other toddlers! And you love the song “Happy”. I can hear you clapping your hands from the car seat whenever that song is playing on the radio.

You have an incredible arm and you love to throw. Everything. Even glass candle jars. 

You also love to throw toys down the stairs. 

I think you may be a little basketball star! You love playing outside with your new basketball hoop.
It melts my heart when I see you and Connor holding hands in the car.
You are a secret thumb sucker. As soon as I lay you in your crib for your nap you pop that thumb into your mouth so quickly and you are fast asleep. But you only suck your thumb in your crib. It’s as if you don’t want anyone to know you are a thumb sucker.
I love when you call me ‘Mommy’ instead of ‘mama’. Both are cute, but there is something so sweet about being called mommy. I dread the day you boys call me ‘Mom’.
I love you so much baby boy. You make our lives so exciting. We laugh a lot and that’s because of you!

































I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 5.28.14
    Uncle Augustine said:

    noah why u so cute? we’re gonna need anotehr skype hangout so i hear all these words you can say

    • 5.28.14
      Renae said:

      isn’t he too cute?! My favorite are the pics outside in just a diaper. I wish you guys could spend more time with him. An old grandma lady fell in love with him today at the store. She kept commenting on his “amazing personality”!

  2. 5.28.14
    Erin said:

    He can’t get any cuter! I just can’t take it!!!