Newborn Favorites

It has been 4.5 years since we have had a baby in the house and I kinda felt like a new mom again when it came to buying baby stuff. What did I love with the other two? What do I have to have? And what can we live without? And most importantly…what will help my newborn sleep the longest?! Now that Audrey is 3 months old I feel like I have a good idea of which items we absolutely love and which weren’t totally necessary. So today I’ve rounded up some of our newborn favorites that I think are must-haves.

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Boppy Newborn Lounger: This item was one of the first to go onto our registry. We had one for the boys and I knew I would need one again for Audrey. It’s so nice to have a cozy place to lay her outside of her crib. She’s napped in this on the couch (with us right beside her. don’t worry) as a newborn and sits in it on the floor while we read books or “play” now.

Dohm Sound Machine: This is awesome! I kinda want one for my room, too! We use this mostly during Audrey’s nap time to drown out the noise from the boys and it totally works! But she also likes having it on while at bedtime, too.

Boba Wrap: I knew I wanted a baby carrier but wasn’t sure which kind. A lot of moms suggested this one but it seemed complicated. After watching a couple of quick youtube videos, I got the hang of it and I LOVE it. Audrey usually gets pretty fussy in the early evenings. Of course, it’s the same time that Connor needs me for homework help, Noah needs me to kick the ball around the dining room, and dinner needs to be put together. This wrap keeps her nice and snug against my chest while leaving my hands free to do all the other things I need to do. I also wear her in this at the grocery store. Don’t let the one giant piece of stretchy fabric intimidate you. You can absolutely figure out how to put it on & you’ll love it.

Medela Pump: I started pumping a couple days after coming home from the hospital. My plan is to breastfeed for at least 1 year so having a freezer stash is important to me. I think this also helped me establish a good supply. I started out using a pump from my insurance company but ended up going back to my favorite Medela pump. It is so much easier to use and I always get more milk using this one.

Summer Infant Monitor: I love this monitor. It is super easy to use & can connect up to 4 cameras.

Brest Friend Nursing Pillow: I cannot recommend this pillow enough. I tell every single nursing mom friend of mine to get this pillow. Don’t bother with the other pillows out there, this one is the best. It has a wrap-around design that helps the pillow stay close to your body & keeps the baby from sliding between you and the pillow. It’s more firm which helps the baby from sinking into the pillow. And it is way more comfortable for you than the other pillows. It’s another must have.

SwaddleMe Wrap: These are magic. This + DockATot = sleep. Sister loves to be swaddled at bedtime and these keep her wrapped tightly all night. The velcro closure ensures there will be no escaping these things!

Pack and PlayWe used this instead of a bassinet for the first few weeks she slept in our room. We put the DockATot in this and kept her by my side of the bed. It made getting up in the middle of the night much easier.

DockATot: This item was new to me this time around. I saw lots of moms on Instagram using them and LOVING them. They all claimed their babies were sleeping longer stretches at night and I was all about that! I am happy to report that Audrey is also sleeping longer stretches at night in her dockATot! She’s been sleeping in this since we brought her home and she sleeps longer in this than the boys ever did in just their crib! Big win for us and a definite must-have, in my opinion!

Milk Snob carseat cover: We use this daily. Helps keep the sun from shining right on the baby and also keeps people from touching her. I love that this can also be used as a nursing cover & when she get’s older we can use it as a shopping cart over.

I hope this list is helpful to you mamas! What do you consider to be one of your newborn favorites? What is something you just cannot live without?





I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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