New Year Resolutions

I like the idea of New Year resolutions. There is something so exciting to me about a new year starting and deciding to change/improve/learn something.

Last week I read a post from my friend Ashlee at Ashlee Miller Artistry where she discussed her top New Year Resolutions. I had a few ideas in mind of things I wanted to change/work on in 2015 but after reading her post I was inspired to document mine here and check in occasionally throughout the year. We will see how it goes.

So, this year I would like to…

1. Eat better. Not diet. Actually learn about balanced meals and proper nutrition. I battle daily with chronic, debilitating fatigue and I am certain that if I change the way I eat I would feel better. I also know that my children need me to be feeding them a more balanced diet.

2. Be more active. I argued with Abe for several months about getting a pretty pricy gym membership and promised him I would go “alll the time!”. Yeah right. But seriously, this year…I’m goin’! Again, I know that if I were a little bit more active I would feel so much better throughout the day. I also want the kids to be more active. I mean, Noah already doesn’t sit still but they would both benefit from some extra activity. Gym classes or more time at the park.

3. Go on a family vacation. Beach. Disneyland. Somewhere fun. I also want to go on a couple quick vacations with my hubby!

4. Continue to grow in my walk with God. Last year I started to help out more with the children’s nursery at church and that has been really great. I want to continue serving in that way but be better than last year! Work harder to make Sunday School fun and educational for our sweet kiddos. Also, I want to get back in the routine of PP150X with my husband.

5. Continue making our house a home. I suck at decorating but I hate how empty our house feels. Anyone want to help me with this one?

6. Learn to cook. Ughhh! I hate cooking. Mostly because of how messy it is but I really want to learn how to cook healthy, delicious meals for my family. Cari has already offered to help me with this one! Thanks girl!


7. Be a better mom. I think I’m a pretty good mom but I can definitely improve. I want to learn to be more patient and take advantage of the time my boys and I have together at home.

8. Be a better wife. This year (and always) I want to be better about showing my husband respect, love and appreciation. I mean, I’m lucky enough to have a super patient, loving husband. I need to show him the same love.

9. Do well in school. Last semester I proved to myself that I am capable of getting really awesome grades. ( 3 A’s and 2 B’s!) This semester I’d like to get all A’s. It makes me nervous putting that out there but I know I can do it!

10. Be a better friend. Late last year a friendship of mine of over 20 years ended (went on a break?) and that makes me sad. This person was unhappy with the lack of effort I put into the friendship and the path my life was taking compared to her life path. It’s sad to me that we can’t still be friends without talking every day and me reaching out to her all the time. Even though I am extremely busy raising my boys, (one who has special needs and the other who is not even two years old) being a wife, managing our house, going to school, working on the children’s ministry team, and many other things, I will make more time for my friends. I understand that no matter where you are in life, everyone is busy. But friendships should never be one sided. My boys and my family will always be my number one priority but this year I will connect more with my friends and put in more effort to seeing friends on a regular basis.

11. Blog. I want to make this a priority as well. I enjoy it and hope to find balance between all of the other things going on in my crazy busy life to keep up with my small place on the internet.

Whew. Looks like I have a busy year ahead of me! What are your thoughts on New Year resolutions? What are some of your goals this year?


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 1.6.15
    carol said:

    awesome!!!!! if you need help with anything – im always here for you!!!!!!!!!!!