Mother/Son Dance 2015


Last Friday Connor’s school hosted a Mother/Son dance!



I was so excited to go to this fun event with my (not so) baby boy! I got even more excited when a few other moms and their handsome guys invited us out for dinner before the dance.

We met with Connor’s friends and their moms at a little mexican food restaurant before the dance for some tacos and a beverage.



A few more of Connor’s friends and their moms joined us for dinner but it got super packed in the restaurant and we were trying hard to get our kiddos to eat quickly so I didn’t get any more photos at dinner. We really wanted to do a group picture and a mom’s picture but that just didn’t happen. The kids started break dancing on the floor of the restaurant and we quickly realized it was time to head over to the school for these guys to bust a move on the dance floor.

When we walked in to the dance it quickly hit me how big my son is getting! I got super emotional thinking about him heading off to Kindergarten soon and becoming so much more independent. I wasn’t expecting this crazy rush of emotion but it sure did hit me hard! I quickly, before anyone noticed, (I hope!) wiped away the tears and was ready to enjoy the night with my crazy dancer!



Between the silly dance moves and other fun activities the moms gathered our handsome guys together for a fun group photo. This poor photographer had no idea what was about to happen. 7 boys dressed in silly hats all posing for a group shot. She was trying so hard to get them all posed and positioned just right and just when she had one side of the group perfected and she moved to the next side, someone from the first side would take their hat off or run to their mom or poke the kid next to them. She was getting really frazzled and we finally just told her “TAKE THE PICTURE!” I mean, what do you expect?! I certainly didn’t expect perfection from these kiddos and actually prefer a natural, unposed photo. MSGCollage

I did eventually get a good one of all of the boys at least looking (somewhat) in my direction.



The school had tables set up with cards for the boys to make for their mom. I was excited when Connor wanted to make one for me 🙂



I had a great time at the dance with my son and feel so blessed to be able to make these memories! Thank you Connor for being such a sweet, funny, kind boy who I love so much!


ps- head over to instagram to see a cute video of C dancing! 🙂


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 2.12.15
    carol said:

    so special!!!!!!!!