This Saturday Connor and I got to go to our first Mother-Son Event at his school! We had such a great day together and I really enjoyed the opportunity to spend quality time with Connor.
Before we left for the day, Connor brought me in a flower he picked for me
Noah really wanted to go and got “dressed” as quickly as he could in hopes that he could join us
We quickly grabbed some Starbucks and I took advantage of these few minutes to just stare at my son. I just can’t believe how quickly he is growing up.
After checking in & getting our team assignment – Team Italy!- we made our way to the photo booth!
Then we got busy competing in some Olympic Games! We did hurdles, javelin, shot put, discus, & tug of war!
We even played Human Hungry Hungry Hippos. Not as easy as it looks
As I was waiting in line for one of the games I noticed Connor had ditched me for one of the only girls there, his sweet friend Hadley!
We also competed in a few Minute to Win it games.
Before heading home Connor and I grabbed a quick lunch. He was so exhausted from all the fun earlier in the day that he passed out before we even got on the freeway!
It really was the most perfect day. Not only did I have a great time with Connor, but I got the chance to interact with the other moms who I just adore! We are so blessed to have met some really great families this school year! I really look forward to the next Mother-Son event and can’t wait for the day that I get to participate with both of my boys!