I am so excited with how this pregnancy has been progressing! We are already (more than) halfway there & I cannot wait to see our Little Miss!
I have just a few updates for now.
How far along? Currently I am 20 weeks 5 days pregnant!
Symptoms: I am feeling good now. I was struggling with really severe headaches. Like the worst headaches I have ever had in my life! I usually get migraines maybe once a month when I’m not pregnant but medication usually knocks them out. These headaches I have been experiencing have not been responding to medication & cause me to feel extremely sick. I have violently vomited each and every time I get one- including one time in Abe’s car 🙁 When they come on, they get so intense so quickly. Abe has become a pro at quickly getting me icepacks and placing them on every inch of my head/neck. The only thing I can do is sleep. I usually wake up feeling a bit better as far as the headache goes, but the next day almost feels like a hangover. My body aches, I am still kinda nauseous and I feel absolutely exhausted. Abe doesn’t usually get worried by sickness or pains but even he said the way my headaches come on & how they affect me had him worried! My OB did prescribe me a medication with codeine that I think helps a little bit but I am only to take that when the pain is severe. Thankfully, I have not had a “bad one” in over 3 weeks!
Otherwise, I am feeling good. I feel like I have more energy and I have been in the gym more lately. I notice the days I go to the gym I have more energy and don’t feel the need to nap.
Total weight gain: I’ve gained only 1 pound since my last update so that puts me at 11 pounds. I have definitely picked up my exercise; walking outside or cardio at the gym several days a week & making sure I get out with the boys. I am also being more careful with my diet. I don’t feel good when I have extra weight on me. My belly doesn’t bother me but the extra weight around my thighs and booty isn’t pleasant. So I am trying hard to keep the weight gain in check.
Maternity clothes? Yup. Jeans and shorts with the full-belly panel are my bff!
Stretch Marks: Nope. Well, no new stretch marks. I’ve been using Clarins Stretch Mark Minimizer each night and sometimes in the morning. It’s super thick and feels good on the belly. Hopefully it’ll prevent any new stretch marks.
Are you showing yet?: Oh, yes! And I love it. I love the belly!
Wedding Rings on or off?: On.
Sleep: I’ve always been a light sleeper but I feel like I have become an even lighter sleeper. I hear every noise and sense any movement. My hips have already started to hurt so I have to switch sides constantly throughout the night. I wish I was sleeping better and hope I can figure something out soon.
Movement:Yes! Little Miss is getting strong! I feel her all day long and I love every single kick.
Miss Anything? Still missing beer. Also missing good sleep.
Cravings: I have been craving sushi and pizza. I ordered pizza a couple times over the last several weeks but it never tastes as good as it sounds so I may just give up on that craving. Also craving an ice cold Michelob Ultra.
Best moment: This weekend I started to feel really strong kicks but even better- Abe was able to feel her kick! We even saw my belly move when she was kicking away. The big, strong kicks are always my favorite part of pregnancy!
We also had the 20 week anatomy scan this past week. Abe and my mom were able to come along. The tech was super thorough and we got lots of good looks at baby girl. I saw my OB this morning and he said the baby looks perfect!
Looking forward to: Buying baby stuff! We are trying to narrow down our car seat choice and will be picking up a few more baby items over the next couple months. I am so tempted to buy every cute outfit I see but I have been also trying not to over buy. It’s so hard when all the baby girl stuff is so cute!
What do the boys think?: Connor is getting more excited as my belly grows. He continues to remind me he will NOT be changing diapers but has offered to help burp her. Noah literally cannot go an hour without tickling my belly and telling me “that was for the baby!”. He also loves to tell random people that “there’s a baby in my moms tummy!” which is kinda embarrassing but I also appreciate it incase I am still looking fat and not pregnant 😉

We went to Rita’s a couple weeks ago and I have decided I am probably going to be spending a lot of time here over the summer! Perfect treat on these hot Spring/Summer days!

The sweetest little profile shot and cutest little feet 🙂

I picked up these super cute dresses for $4.99 each at H&M!
Things have been moving along pretty smoothly for the most part. I’ll give another update soon!
Love to see that beautiful glow coming from my gorgeous wife. Btw, you’re still amazingly hot!!!!