A Look Back at 2013

I know I say this every year but seriously! Where did the time go?

This was a very eventful year full of many blessings!

Grab a snack and a diet coke (cuz you’re going to be here a while!) and let’s look back at 2013 together!


We started 2013 at the end of Grandma and Grandpas trip here in Arizona. As much as I loved their time spent here I had a sad feeling this would be Grandpas last trip.

I love this photo of Connor and his Great Grandpa watching TV together
I love this photo of Connor and his Great Grandpa watching TV together


February 1st our sweet, handsome, and always so happy Noah Jace was born!


IMG_0034With the birth of Noah came many adjustments for all of us!

Connor started to learn what it really means to be a big brother!IMG_0063


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IMG_7296And Abe and I learned how to juggle two kiddos!

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Noah’s first visit to church was for the Infant Dedication ceremony when he was just 4 weeks old!

Not the best quality, but here Abe is reading our prayer for our boys.
Not the best quality, but here Abe is reading our prayer for our boys.


In March our church hosted a Spring Fling. This was one of our first outings as a family of 4. This is also when I learned the value of a baby carrier!

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March 17, 2013 our sweet Nana went to Heaven.

So thankful Noah got to meet Nana
So thankful Noah got to meet Nana


We celebrated Easter this year with an Easter Egg hunt at Grandma & Papas house.

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April 28, 2013 my Grandpa passed away.



In May Abe and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary! Abe also had not one, but 2 surgical procedures this month! IMG_5064

We also hosted Abe’s Mom and Dad for 5 days in our home. Connor LOVED spending so much time with his other grandparents! (I loved having a few extra set of hands to help with the baby!)


May was also the first month for my neighborhood bunco group to get together. This has become one of my most favorite friday nights of the month! IMG_6172 IMG_6179 IMG_6186


June was another busy month! Connor turned 3 and he decided he was done wearing diapers. So proud! IMG_0360

Noah had his first haircut at just 4 months old! It was quite traumatic for all involved.

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We also put together a surprise 50th Birthday Party for my Mom! IMG_5213 IMG_0389 IMG_0368Doesn’t my mom look awesome?! 50 years old, married 30 years, 2 kids and 4 grandkids!


In July we had lots of pool days! IMG_0287 IMG_4786IMG_4922 IMG_4933

On July 16th Connor had his tonsils and adenoid removed. He did awesome!IMG_5743IMG_5749


In August Abe took off to Cleveland to study for his board exam. It was my first time alone for an entire week with both boys.

So thankful for FaceTime!
So thankful for FaceTime!
Connor was so happy to have Daddy home after a long week!
Connor was so happy to have Daddy home after a long week!


With my parents living so close to us we are lucky to be able to go on dates quite often!


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In October we went to the St. Lukes October Festival. We have been going for as long as I can remember and it has been so much fun to be able to bring my own kids to something I enjoyed so much as a child.

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We also got ready for Halloween with a neighborhood party and a party at Connor’s preschool. Connor and Noah looked so cute as Buzz Lightyear and Woody! IMG_0450 IMG_7100 IMG_7104IMG_0452


In November Abe and I took a road trip to Las Vegas! This was our first trip alone in over a year. We did some gambling, shopping, and ate a lot of really delicious food!IMG_7195 IMG_0460 IMG_7205 IMG_7220

We had Thanksgiving with our friends Josh, Cari, and their handsome little guy Jackson. Cari did an amazing job cooking an entire Thanksgiving dinner from scratch! Originally we were going to cook together but then we both remembered I pretty much suck at cooking! Petty bummed I didn’t get a picture of her and I together.

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December was a busy month! We started out by hosting my family for a day of cookie baking! It was so much fun to have all the cousins together! They did a great job decorating their gingerbread men!

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We also got the most amazing news–all the time (and money) Abe spent preparing for his board exam paid off! He passed his exam and is a Board Certified Pediatrician! I am so proud of my husband!

Christmas has always been a fun holiday but it’s even more fun now that I have my own family. Christmas Eve was spent at my parents house.


The kids each got new bikes from Grandma & Papa! IMG_0481 IMG_0483 IMG_0484

After spending the day at my parents house we went over to my aunt & uncles house for the annual Sutter Family Christmas Eve party. This is hands down my most favorite day of the year! I look forward to this party all year long! This year we decided to all wear ugly Christmas sweaters!

My brother & I in our homemade Ugly Christmas sweaters!


My mom started giving each grandkid a special present Christmas Eve night– pjs! This year all the little cousins got new pjs!


We went home that night and got ready for Santa!



Christmas was very special this year! It definitely gets more fun as Connor gets older.


This was such a crazy year filled with lots of fun memories and some painful times. We have grown so much as a family and I am excited to see what 2014 brings for this famiLee.  I pray that we continue to grow, stay healthy, and have a lot of fun!

Thanks for looking back on 2013 with me…here’s to a happy, healthy 2014!



I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 12.30.13
    carol said:

    awesome job! what a great recap of the year! hope we all have a great 2014! I love you!!!!

    • 12.31.13
      renaesutter7@gmail.com said:

      Thanks mom! It was an awesome year. Looking forward to 2014!

  2. 1.1.14
    Abe said:

    What another whirlwind year!! Thank god for my beautiful wife, renae, and our two healthy boys. So many exciting things and of course challenges. Hope we don’t have to visit any hospitals in 2014! Love you babe!

    • 1.2.14
      renaesutter7@gmail.com said:

      Couldn’t have got through this year without you! Love you babe!

  3. 1.4.14
    Erin said:

    Wow A LOT happened this year! I feel like such a schmuck that I wasn’t there for you more. Even in all this you had the presence of mind to deliver a box of sunshine to me that was so perfect in my darkness. I love you sweet friend!