Kid Closet Organization

One of my goals for this school year was to encourage my boys to become a little more independent. I don’t know about you, but the mornings at our house are crazy busy. Making breakfast and getting three kids out of the door on time is a lot for one mama! So, I need the boys to take a little responsibility and help me out. One way I have been able to give the boys more responsibility in the morning is having them get dressed on their own. This may seem silly and super obvious but it has been so helpful for us. Last school year I was still getting Connor dressed for school. Mostly because it was faster if I did it but also because he thinks he’s a king and wants me to do everything for him. Not this year, my friend! So I organized the boys’ closets in a way that made getting dressed in the morning super easy.

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Kid Closet Organization

Every Sunday I have the boys set up their closet for the upcoming school week. I bought one of these hanging closet organizers for each of them. After the laundry is washed over the weekend, they each stock their organizer with their clothes for the entire week. Shirt, shorts, socks, and belt all in one spot. It is helpful that our school requires uniforms but if your kids’ school does not, this organizer will still be really helpful. Just have your child pick out what they want to wear for the entire week and put each outfit in a slot.

Each morning the boys can easily grab what they need for that day from the slot and quickly get dressed without asking me to help them find socks or a clean shirt.

Every day after school they put their belt in the next day’s slot so that they have it for the next morning. No more running all around the house looking for their belt in the morning while we’re trying to get out the door!

This is also really helpful in remembering special days at school. Last year I missed Super Hero day at Noah’s preschool. He was so upset and I felt like a terrible mom when we showed up at school and he was the only one not dressed up like a superhero. Hearing Noah tell his teacher, in the most heartbroken little voice, “My mom forgot.” was the worst!

So, is Silly Sock Day coming up? Have your kiddo put those silly socks in the slot for that day of the week. When the week gets busy and crazy and you’re trying to remember all the things, you won’t have to worry about missing Silly Sock Day because the silly socks are already in that day’s slot! Boom! Best. Mom. Ever!

Having the boys do this themselves has freed me up to make their breakfast and get Audrey out of bed. I am no longer running from the laundry room to their bedrooms gathering their clothes and getting them dressed. We do still have crazy mornings occasionally but this kid closet organization hack has really helped minimize the craziness.  I am proud that this has given my boys some responsibility and independence they definitely needed.



Check out my homework station blog post to see how we manage homework time in the afternoon.

Photos: Megan Higgins Photography


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 9.18.18
    Sarah Lee said:

    What an excellent way of teaching your kids – good job mommy!!