Happy New Year!

How is it already 2015?!

I hope everyone had a safe and fun 2014 and New Year’s Eve!

This year, instead of sending out Christmas cards (I aint got time for that!) we decided to send out New Year cards and I had Abe include a little note to all of our family and friends. I am sharing that with you today!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

            The Lee Family began 2014 with a bang, literally, as Connor hit his head on a doorframe causing a goose-egg the size of Noah’s head taking him to the ER. Thankfully everything turned out well. Connor finished his first semester at his new pre-school, Terramar Elementary, and met lots of new friends including his fantastic teacher, Ms. Katie! Every day Connor is picked up from school, he is eager to share all the fun new things he got to experience that day. Connor’s speech has improved tremendously and his personality continues to grow into an exciting young boy.

            Little Noah got to experience an awesome 1st birthday party in February filled with “hungry caterpillars!” He has truly taken on the daredevil title amongst the two boys as he leaps fearlessly from ottoman to couch or nearly jumps off his mini-trampoline. His obsession with any type of ball is becoming epic. Football may be his current favorite as he likes watching the NFL with daddy screaming out things like “kick it” and “boom baby!”

            Renae took a recent change in school direction as she began pursuing a degree in early-childhood education this fall. She took a whopping five online classes while juggling the two boys, helping lead the nursery ministry at church, and growing in her walk with Christ. In case you were wondering, Renae finished with 3 A’s and 2 B’s. We are all so proud of you mommy!

            Last but not least, 2014 gave me a chance to end a very stressful part of my work-life by leaving one practice and finding a new one at Mountain Park Health Center. This transition gave me new life and a renewed sense of excitement to go to work each day and serve many children in need.

            In the end, God has worked mightily in the Lee Family in 2014. Spiritually, our family has grown to overcome numerous obstacles but we are still and will always be thankful for His many provisions. We are thankful for our family at True North Church and our spiritual leaders, Thomas and Sam Lee. May God bless us in this coming new year of 2015 to be filled with HOPE and excitement for what He has planned.

Even though we had many struggles this past year, it truly was an amazing year. Thank you to all of our friends and family who made 2014 so great.


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 1.1.15
    Uncle Augustine said:

    looks like you guys had a great year. great job at performing so well on your classes renae, it must have been a challenge to balance all of your responsibilities. I think your decision to focus on childhood education is a good one. happy new year

    • 1.1.15
      renaesutter7@gmail.com said:

      Thanks, Aug! It was definitely hard work but totally worth it. I hope my boys will be proud of me when they can see all the hard work pay off. Happy New Year!