Halloween 2015

Halloween celebrations this year started with my turn to host Bunco. As most of you know, we have an awesome group of women in our neighborhood who get together each month for a wild game of bunco! This is one of my most favorite nights of the month and something we all sooo look forward to! Since I was set to host in October I went the easy route and decided on a Halloween theme. Costumes kinda fell through but that’s ok.  We all had a great time dressed up as ourselves… mom’s who needed a night out!


The next week a few girlfriends and I got together with our littles for some sugar cookie decorating! The kids played so well together and really got into cutting out and decorating the cookies. They did a great job and only spilled the jar of sprinkles once 😉



The morning of Halloween we went to Connor’s kindergarten class costume party! A few of the moms put this fun day together at a park near the school. I love that they invited the siblings to join in on the fun, too! It was nice to connect more with some of the other parents and put a face to the names of the kids we hear so much about at home.





We all had such a great time at the party. We left feeling so blessed that Connor is going to school with such sweet kids and great parents.

Noah passed out with a death grip on his pumpkin in the car on the way home. He was not letting that thing go! Even as I unbuckled him to get him out of his car seat he woke up just enough to say “puntin!” and fell back asleep when I put it in his hands. He even napped with it right beside him!


And with only a couple hours before trick-or-treating we got started on our last Halloween activity- pumpkin carving! In the past, we have only had the boys paint pumpkins but this year Connor was really excited to actually cut them out! They had been talking about pumpkins the week before at school so he was really excited to see the seeds inside. I thought he would enjoy taking the seeds out but he actually thought it was kinda gross and didn’t like his hands to be dirty…so not like him! After the pumpkins were all cleaned out we got started on carving. Noah helped me carve a couple and Connor and Abe worked on their pumpkin together.


The boys…I mean Stormtrooper and Darth Vader quickly ate some pizza,


we took some selfies,


and headed out the door for trick-or-treating!

Halloween12Don’t be fooled..Noah was actually really excited! 🙂

The boys really had a great time with all of the different Halloween activities and I just love making these memories together as a family.

Now, as Connor keeps reminding me…”We are in the month of November!”…time to get busy planning Christmas.


I’m so not ready…


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 11.4.15
    Augustine said:

    great post!