First Trimester Update

We are finally in the second trimester! I feel like this is going to be the longest pregnancy ever because we have been working on becoming pregnant since like September. I don’t want to rush this pregnancy because this will definitely (like, 95% sure) be our last time. I want to enjoy it and soak up every sweet moment but I am also dyyyyying to meet her!
How far along? Currently I am 14 weeks 5 days pregnant.
Symptoms: The first several weeks after getting the positive test I was pretty nauseous. I only got sick once- in an empty Starbucks cup while driving down the freeway. Talent? I think so! I have napped almost every day and could sleep until noon. But the most annoying symptom- headaches! I had bad headaches when I was pregnant with Noah and again with this one. They come about once a week and last at least 2 full days. My OB prescribed me some Fioricet but that doesn’t help at all. Really the only thing I can do is crawl in bed with icepacks on my forehead and neck and try to sleep it off. I have a call into my OB this morning to see if he has any other tricks because these are brutal!
Total weight gain: You guys ready for this….10 pounds! Yikes! I set a goal for myself to only gain 25 pounds this pregnancy (I gained 30 with both boys) and I am already almost halfway there with 24 weeks to go. Now that I am feeling less sleepy, I have been trying to be more active. I have been walking, hiking and making sure I wear my Apple watch each day to monitor how active I am. If I see that I am far off from my move goal, I’ll get the boys outside and go for a walk. I really hope that the weight gain slows down because I definitely don’t feel good when I’ve got extra weight on me.
Maternity clothes? Honestly, I’ve been wearing maternity jeans since starting the IVF medication. My belly shot out while on the stim meds and regular jeans were super uncomfortable. So yeah- maternity clothes.
Stretch Marks: Nope. Well, no new stretch marks.
Are you showing yet?: Sure am. I remember being this far along with Noah and thinking “When am I going to look pregnant?!”. Well, I definitely look pregnant this time. But maybe not to everyone? This morning I was talking with the Starbucks barista I see every morning and I mentioned something about my pregnancy. She almost died of shock. She had no idea I’ve got a baby cooking in my belly right now. So maybe I still just look fat?
Wedding Rings on or off?: On.
Sleep: Pretty good for the most part.
Movement:I’ve been feeling tiny, tiny movements since about 11 weeks but I cannot wait for bigger movements!
Miss Anything? Beer. We had my family over this weekend and I was a little jealous of them drinking a cold beer. I also miss sushi. I ate a California roll to try to satisfy my craving but it didn’t help. And Ibuprofen for headaches.
Cravings: During most of the first trimester I was craving carbs- crackers, bagels and cream cheese, and english muffins. Hello, weight gain! But now I am craving cold salads, apples and all the water my body can hold! Oh, and randomly I will get a BIG craving for a hot dog- super random because I can’t tell you the last time I had one. I have yet to give in to this craving and I kinda hope I don’t.
Best moment this trimester: Telling everyone was fun! And I love whenever I feel her tiny movements and seeing her on the ultrasound is always so special!
Looking forward to: The OB I am seeing this time has a different protocol for pregnant women who have had a cone biopsy of the cervix (I had one my senior year of high school due to abnormal cells discovered during regular paps). Even though this has never been an issue in my previous pregnancies, I guess it can cause the cervix to shorten causing women to deliver way too early. So he wants to check cervical length every two weeks starting at 16 weeks until 24 weeks. So, I am super looking forward to seeing our baby girl a few extra times. I am hoping that this is done on the “good” ultrasound machine so we can get good photos of our sweet girl. We also have our anatomy scan scheduled for 20 weeks. And of course I can’t wait for her to start kicking hard enough for Abe and the boys to feel!
What do the boys think?: Both Connor and Noah are super excited but Noah more so. Noah wants her to sleep in his room and tells me each day what he plans to teach her. He is so gentle around me but if he gets too excited he quickly apologizes and asks “Did I smoosh your baby?” with the most concerned face. He also asks often if its time for the baby to “pop out” of my belly. Connor is concerned with how she is going to get out. He’s worried that the doctor is going to hurt me or his sister when he cuts her out.
So far everything has been going well with baby girl. We are so thankful there hasn’t been any major issues thus far. I really pray the headaches subside quickly so that I can enjoy more of this. But, that’s it for now! Thanks for keeping with my pregnancy and for all the well wishes. We cannot wait to meet our baby girl!

I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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