FBF- Disneyland with Connor

For this Flash Back Friday I want to share with you Connor and I’s trip to California!


March of this year Connor and I took a quick weekend trip to California for some fun at Disneyland and California Adventure.

We had been to Disneyland one other time. Connor was 11 months old and obviously has absolutely zero memories of that day.


He had been working so hard at school, in therapy, and at home so I really wanted to treat him to a fun time away.

Abe wasn’t able to get time off from work so Connor and I just went by ourselves. I was really looking forward to some one on one time with my big boy!


At the airport bright and early! I was feeling super nervous to be traveling alone with Connor. DL2.jpg

Connor was so excited to be on the plane. He actually did pretty good, too! Just gave him lots of snacks and surprised him with the Frozen movie!DL3.jpg

First stop, California Adventure! DL4.jpg

We waited quite a bit to see Mater. It was really cool and Connor loved seeing him….from a distance. Once we got up close he got a little nervous. But the staff asked Mater to quiet down (turn off the engine) and Connor was totally fine. DL5.jpg

Loved the marry-go-round!


Unfortunately Mike and Sully were studying so we didn’t get to see them. But we did stop by MU.

(I think California Adventure needs to expand their Monsters area. Just my personal opinion)DL6.jpg

Connor was so excited to see Pluto!

After a busy day at California Adventure, we went to check into the hotel and take a nap. I really, really suggest taking a break in the middle of your day. Connor and I both were much more refreshed and felt ready to go again after a little break. Before we went to dinner we stopped in the Lego store at Downtown Disney. Connor was super impressed! He liked taking his turn at the lego table and built a couple towers. DL7.jpg

Having fun at the Lego store!

We decided to pick out a small bucket of Legos to take home! You know, fine motor practice 😉 DL10.jpg

We stopped at a mexican restaurant for dinner. I drank a much needed glass of Sangria and Connor played with his new legos!

Originally I was just going to bring the umbrella stroller just because its smaller and well…I guess that’s the only reason. But a friend of mine convinced me to bring the big stroller. I am so glad I did. We each had cup holders, I could recline the stroller back if he wanted to rest, and we had tons of storage for all the goodies we bought! Good call, Jenn! DL11.jpg

First day: total success!

For breakfast we visited The Rainforest Cafe. This was a first for both of us. C really liked the huge fish tank and thought it was hilarious to see a man inside of it! (Cleaning day) DL13.jpg


First stop: another merry-go-round!DL15.jpg

Connor had a lot of fun (and a lot of trouble sharing, ugh!) in Goofy’s house.DL16.jpg


We had so much fun on the “Star Command” ride (as Connor called it!)

I can’t even count how many times we did this ride! He loved it!

I did, too.

Up until the earthquake.

Yup. An earthquake.

I have never experienced one before and would like to never experience one again.

Connor was pretty angry that we couldn’t go on the ride for the millionth time because of the earthquake. Even to this day if you ask him about the Star Command ride he will tell you “There was an emergency and we can’t ride it. Maybe next time.”.

He wanted every Buzz toy he saw. And I wanted to buy him every Buzz toy. DL19.jpg

This was such a special trip with my big guy. We had a blast and I hope he remembers this trip forever. I know I will never, ever forget this special time with just him and I.

I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 7.24.14
    Abe said:

    Looks like you guys had a blast! Wish I could’ve been there 🙁
    I know our boy will remember this forever….great job mom!