Fall Break – Disneyland 2016

The weeks leading up to fall break I kept going back and forth trying to decide if we should go somewhere over fall break or not. I thought I had finally decided on no (too much going on & I thought I wanted to just chill) but the day school let out for break I decided to book us a trip to Disneyland. It was too short of notice for Abe to be able to join us so it was just the boys and I.

I packed up the car early Tuesday morning and after a quick run to Starbucks, the boys and I were on our way! The drive was very uneventful, which makes this super nervous driver happy! Both Connor and Noah took turns napping and I made sure I had lots of snacks in the front seat to hand to them if they got a little antsy.

We got to our hotel around 10:30 Tuesday morning and since our room wasn’t ready we decided to waste no time and walked across the street to Disneyland.

Strapping the boys in the stroller was my key to a less stressful day. Since it was just the boys and I, I didn’t want them to walk across the park because I was nervous they’d let go of my hand and get lost in the sea of people. Once we got to a specific area of the park, they’d get out and we’d walk from ride to ride. They probably looked silly & big in the stroller but it really did help keep me calm knowing we wouldn’t get separated. It was especially helpful having the stroller at night when everyone is trying to leave the park at the same time and the boys were feeling extra tired.



First stop- Get Mickey ears! Connor picked out these BB-8 ears in like 2 seconds and I found my Minnie headband pretty quickly, too. Noah did not like any of the choices and instead insisted on a 51 cent pressed penny. I asked allll day long if he wanted to pick out a pair of ears but he was happy with his penny.



I saw another blogger I follow post about Mickey beignets several days before we left and I couldn’t stop thinking about them. These things did not disappoint! They were so soft and fluffy and had an endless amount of powdered sugar on them. So. Freaking. Good!!


The boys weren’t into waiting in line to see the characters but seeing this Stormtrooper totally changed their mind! Connor especially thought it was so cool to see a real life Stormtrooper. I was surprised to see how shy he was but once I told him I’d get in the picture with him, he was so excited to see the Stormtrooper up close!


Caught these boys being all cute and holding hands 🙂 It was a very short lived moment 😉




I love Disneyland at Halloween time. The decorations are super cute and make me really excited for the fun holiday season!

Day 2 started off so awesome! Both boy slept in (thank you blackout curtains and a super cold hotel room!) and we took our time getting ready. We got into California Adventure about 30 minutes before the park officially opened so I had time to grab a coffee and get ready for the busy day!

We quickly found out that this was the perfect time to be in California Adventure. We were able to bounce from ride to ride with hardly any line. And the weather was awesome! A little warm when standing directly in the sun but in the shade & with the breeze, it was beautiful!




I think this is my favorite photo of the entire trip. I love the genuine smile on Connor’s face and can almost hear him laughing whenever I look at this picture. Pure bliss!


We came back to the hotel after a few hours of rides at the park. The boys were ready for lunch and some rest. I brought some groceries from home to make most of their meals & snacks in the hotel to keep the cost down. This ended up being a really great idea! I especially loved a bit of down time after pushing that stroller around!


But of course, they didn’t actually fall asleep in the hotel. Noah did fall asleep on the way back to California Adventure, though! He slept in the stroller long enough for Connor and I to have an ice cream date together 🙂 Noah woke up just in time for some more rides.



Wednesday night the park closed at 8pm and that’s about the same time we got to the hotel. We were told at check in that our room had an excellent view of Disneyland’s firework show and Connor could not wait to watch! Unfortunately, after a busy two days, we were all out way before the 9:30 start time! Oh well! There’s always next year 🙂

Thursday morning I planned on taking our time and maybe even meeting up with a friend but once we woke up, I realized I just wanted to get back home. We ate a quick breakfast before packing up and hitting the road.

Unfortunately the ride home wasn’t as uneventful as the ride there. Connor gets car sick but usually only if he’s got the ipad or a book. So you could imagine my surprise when he suddenly woke up from a nap and puked all over the car. I had literally just put the car in park after pulling off the freeway to get Noah a potty break. If Connor had waited even just a few seconds we would have been outside the car! But, after the last few baby wipes I had and a quick rinse off in the gas station bathroom (ew) we were back on the road. I gave Connor a puke bag which he needed a few more times throughout the drive. Even after a total of 4 potty breaks, we were still home around 5pm Thursday evening.

The trip was amazing and the boys and I created some special memories together. I’d call that a successful Fall Break! I can’t wait for the next time we get to go again, all four of us!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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