Coronado Island Family Trip

Over the weekend we took a very impromptu trip over to Coronado Island. Connor’s Spring Break was starting on Monday and Abe had Friday off so we decided to make a fun weekend out of our time together.

Friday morning we loaded up the boys, grabbed some Dutch Bros. coffee and started our adventure to California.


The boys do ok in the car on road trips. I try to pack new activities to keep them busy & special snacks for when they get a bit restless. After one episode of vomiting, Connor eventually settled into a nap. Noah, on the other hand, was ready to party the entire drive.


After 3 stops to pee, we finally arrived in Coronado. We got situated into our hotel (after they thankfully let us check in early!) and we headed out for a walk down Orange Ave. We ended up at Yummy Sushi just in time for happy hour.






We had to wait out a crazy down pour before walking back to the hotel. By this point it was still raining a bit but not as hard as 30 minutes before. The boys enjoyed the adventure but poor Abe was the only one without a hooded sweatshirt so he got pretty soaked!

We hung out in the hotel for a couple hours before heading back out to explore & find some dessert! We ended up in a really cute area and found a sweets shop! Connor & Abe picked out chocolate covered rice crispy treats and Noah and I shared a chocolate covered apple! Yummy!


The next morning after a quick breakfast we packed up our sand toys (leant to us by a sweet friend, thank you! 🙂 ) and headed over to Hotel Del Coronado for a day at the beach! Connor was so excited to get into the water and didn’t seem to care that it was absolutely freezing!




Noah preferred to play in the sand!


We got our Beach Bed set up and Connor and I cozied up in it while Abe and Noah built sandcastles and played with the frisbee. I (almost) finished reading A Mothers Reckoning and took a few minutes here and there to rest my eyes. It was a perfect morning.



We took a break from the sand at around 12:30 and headed over to the restaurant for some delicious lunch.


Abe wanted to take a nap in our beach bed and they boys and I wanted to explore the hotel a bit so we parted ways for an hour or so. The boys and I found cute stores and an ice cream shop before heading back to the beach to find Abe completely passed out! He looked so comfy!



We continued playing in the sand, reading, visiting the beach bar, more playing & eventually I had to separate the boys into their own circles to keep them from crushing each others castles.





We were sitting pretty close to the Sandcastle Man so it was so cool to be able to check on his progress every couple of hours. It was amazing to see how much time he spends on his creations! He was a very nice guy, too!



We packed up around 5:30 Saturday evening. By the time we got back to the hotel we were all exhausted. The boys got a bath and went to sleep pretty early.

We started our trip back to Phoenix around 10am Sunday morning. We were sad to leave but so thankful for the amazing day at the beach we had. Spending time like this together & making these memories as a family means so much to be! I hope the boys look back on trips like these and have wonderful memories!


Now we are officially into Spring Break. Abe has to work but the boys and I have some fun things planned!

Have a great week!



I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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