Connor’s Last Day of Kindergarten


Today we celebrated Connor’s last day of Kindergarten!

How did this day get here so quickly? Wasn’t it just the first day? I don’t know how it happened but I do know it happened way too fast.

This morning we woke up a bit early to take our traditional end of the year photos. Connor has been surprisingly very emotional about Kindergarten ending (I think he’s super nervous for the unknowns of first grade) so I was worried he might not be into taking the pictures. Thankfully, he smiled through them and only got a bit emotional right at the end. As his mom, though, I can see a bit of his nervousness in the photos.



Connor and I quickly stopped by Starbucks for a quick before school date of coffee and milk. We FaceTimed my dad and called my mom to tell them the exciting news: It’s the last day of Kindergarten! Connor was also excited to tell them that there would be an ice cream truck at recess today and he could pick anything he wanted!  

On the drive to school Connor asked me the same questions he’s been asking for a few weeks- “Will I still have recess in first grade? Will I still see my friends? Do I have to do adding? Will you pack my lunch for me?” It is sweet to hear him asks these questions but I have to be honest, the nervousness in his voice breaks my heart.

I was surprised that I was able to hold back my tears for most of the morning. Dropping him off was exciting knowing that he had one more fun day of school and then we would get to enjoy summer break together. I didn’t start to cry until I gave Mrs. Motter, the assistant teacher, a final hug. She started tearing up and from that moment I was no longer able to hold back my tears. I cried as I thanked her again for all she has done to support our son during his first year of school. I walked away feeling so thankful. Thankful for the opportunity to send Connor to Anthem Prep. Thankful for the amazing teaching team and incredible staff. Thankful for the families and friends we have met. Thankful that even with having brain surgery my son was able to complete (and totally rock, btw!) Kindergarten.

When I got to the car, Tim McGraw’s new song “Humble & Kind” started playing on the radio. I totally lost it. Not in a sad way. In an overwhelmingly proud and thankful way. I was thinking how thankful I am to God for blessing me with Connor. Thanking Him for trusting me with this precious boy. I was thinking about how much I love my son and how that is nothing compared to the amount of love He has for Connor. That is incredible!


The PSO arranged to have an ice cream truck on campus for a special last day treat. The kids got to pick out a sweet treat of their choice to enjoy with their friends during their very last recess as Kindergarten students. Looks like they all enjoyed this!


When I got home I started to set up a little surprise for Connor. I wanted him to be excited coming home knowing that we have lots of fun things to do this summer. I put together a little basket of summer essentials: new pool towels, water guns, chalk, bubbles, and come other outside games. 



I think he was pretty excited 😉




I look forward to spending the next few months with my boys playing and soaking up all of the fun!

I was also very excited to turn off all of my alarms! Wahooo! Summer Break is here!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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