Connor Update

It has been quite some time since I gave an update on anyone other than Audrey. The boys have been growing & learning so much since the start of the school year so I wanted to give a quick update on each of them. Today- all about Connor 🙂

Connor has been working so hard in school. He is learning so much and doing so well academically. We just got his first quarter report card & couldn’t have been more proud! He got mostly 3’s (meets expectations) and several 4’s (exceeds expectations). He is doing really well in language arts and he absolutely loves history and science. I was so proud reading the comments from his teachers. His second grade teacher commented on his kindness towards his classmates & his excitement for participating in class discussion. His Latin teacher commented on his “inspiring love for learning” and his PE and Music teachers said he is a hard worker! We are so proud of how well he is doing in school.

We are finishing up with OT throughout the end of this year and then will take a break. Connor has been going to OT since he was 3 years old. We could continue to bring him to therapy once a week indefinitely but after chatting with his therapist, we have decided to take a little break. We will work on his strength and fine motor skills at home and through other activities but we feel like it would be nice for all of us to take a break from weekly therapy appointments.

We think we have Connor’s headaches under control for the most part. He is taking a medication daily to help with the frequency of headaches and it seems to be working. He complains of headaches maybe 3-4 times a month now compared to almost daily before the medication. Huge win!

He has adjusted well to becoming a big brother again but he has told me a couple times that I feed the baby too much. I took that as a hint that I need to be spending more one-on-one time with him. I’ve tried to find time to do special things with him and have taken advantage of half days (for lunch dates) and an occasional Saturday to spend just together, just the two of us!

Connor just finished playing soccer after school for the past 3 months and he really enjoyed it! He had his tournament this past weekend and it was absolutely amazing! Both Abe and I were super blown away by his excitement for the game & how well he did. It was so much fun to see all of his hard work pay off.

He also plays chess with the chess club and has done one round-robin tournament. He didn’t win and was pretty disappointed in himself but he continues to practice and work hard! Him and Abe play together a couple nights a week and Abe can definitely see Connor improving.

Connor LOVES reading the Bible. My mother in law has sent him several Bibles over the past couple years that he has read through and learned so much from. We recently bought him a new Bible and he is hardly ever without it. He knows way more Bible stories than I do! It’s pretty impressive how much he knows.



Connor2After school lunch date 🙂

Connor3Intense game of Chess





Connor8(not so) Patiently waiting on cinnamon rolls


Connor10Mommy-son date to the bookstore


Connor12Worshiping with Daddy Connor13








I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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