Christmas 2017

I have been playing catch up the last couple posts and here I am doing it again. I know I could just move on but Christmas 2017 was so much fun I wanted to make sure I document it 🙂

I hate to even admit this but it took me a little longer than usual to get into the spirit of Christmas this year. I was feeling super overwhelmed with Audrey’s spit up & frequent doctor visits, the boys school schedules were super crazy, Abe’s parents decided to come into town and I offered to host Christmas Eve at my house. We had a lot going on.

It wasn’t until I decided, totally last minute on a whim, to put the kids in Christmas PJs and drive around to see Christmas lights that I started to feel a bit Christmas-y. I think I was hoping this would put me in the spirit and it almost did! Getting my kids showered and into PJs and begggggging them for one, just one, decent photo was exhausting! Abe was at a church meeting this night so I was taking this on by myself and it was hard! Once we got to the neighborhood with the lights, Audrey started (and did not stop!) screaming. The boys loved the lights and I did get a somewhat decent photo of my kids so I guess it was worth it.



Noah’s school hosted Breakfast with Santa. Since that was our only plan to see Santa, I couldn’t not include Connor! The boys ate pancakes and chatted with Santa for a few minutes before heading off to school.


Noah also had his Christmas program at school and it was adorable! When he first walked onto the stage he looked so nervous! The crowd was huge and he couldn’t find us. Once he spotted us- he was on! He loved every minute of being on stage and waved to me about 157 times! I could totally pick out his voice and hear him singing throughout the program. It was so cute 🙂


Abe’s parents visited us for a few days. This was their first time meeting Audrey and the first time seeing our new house. Abe’s dad played catch with Noah and took Connor on walks and his mom cooked us so much delicious food! It was nice to spend some time with them. I love how much our boys love them!






A few days before Christmas, we went to Christmas at the Princess with the Min family. We have so much fun hanging out with Kevin, Jane and Judah and this night did not disappoint! We drank some wine, walked around looking at the pretty Christmas lights, and ate s’mores by the fire. The boys loved the ice slide! We will absolutely be back next year.












My dad and I did our traditional shopping trip for mom’s stocking just two days before Christmas! We have done this for a long time and it is one of my favorite traditions. I love this time with my dad and I really look forward to this silly shopping trip each year.


Christmas Eve day was spent at my parents house with my brother and his family. I love this day so much! It is busy and crazy and loud with all of our kids but it’s just so much fun! I got a couple pictures before the craziness totally took off but I am so bummed we didn’t get a family photo.



Christmas Eve night is spent with my dads side of the family. We get together with my aunts and uncles and cousins for dinner and our gift exchange game. We hosted at our house this year. As stressed as I was leading up to this night, I absolutely loved having all of my favorite people in our home for my favorite night of the year! Being the host and taking care of Audrey made it impossible to get many pictures. Ugh!! So mad at myself!!



After the party, the boys set our their cookies, carrots & Diet Coke for Santa and headed off to bed. Thankfully they were on the nice list so Santa dropped off some gifts while they were asleep.



Christmas morning was magical and so special! We had such a nice morning together as a family of 5. We ate cinnamon rolls & drank mimosas while opening gifts. It was the perfect morning with my kids and husband.



Christmas 2017 was filled with family, friends, traditions and new memories! I absolutely love Christmas time and even though it took me a little longer to get into the spirit this year, I really did enjoy the memories we made as a family. I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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