Our 4th of July Weekend–2014

For the Fourth of July weekend we planned to go with a few other families from our church on a retreat.

This was the first retreat that I had ever been to and I was really looking forward to it.

We were off to a rough start friday morning though and weren’t sure if we would even make the trip. Noah woke up covered, I mean COVERED in diarrhea. Abe was pretty sure Noah caught a stomach virus. I was worried he was contagious and didn’t want to risk anyone else getting sick.

We waited it out a few hours and decided just to go on the trip anyway and pray no one else would get sick.

So, off we went!

I should have taken a photo of our trunk. It was kind of embarrassing how much stuff we packed!



Finally on the road. Sleepy…but at least we are gettin’ there.


I was so happy to turn onto this road. It brought back so many memories of camping as a child.


We made it! Prescott Pines Camp! 4th1.jpg

Feelin better, Noah?!4th2.jpg

Ugh! This is what taking photos with my boys has turned into. 4th3.jpg

Not fun! Not fun for any of us!


Hanging out at the pool! 4th5.jpg

I think he may be saying “Howdy!” 4th6.jpg


Um, excuse me…when did you get so big?4th7.jpg

My favorite photo of the whole weekend!

Sleepy baby & handsome daddy 🙂4th10.jpg

This kid LOVES dirt. Is it a boy thing?

Friday night was miserable. Noah was very unsettled in the pack and play and Connor was having a hard time laying down with all the distractions of being in the same room as all of us. Abe decided to take Connor to hang out with the rest of the group while I tried to get Noah to fall asleep. I brought him into bed with me and he fell asleep on and off. All of the sudden he sat right up and started vomiting all over me, our bed, and himself. Awesome.

I was ready to pack up and go home. I thought for sure that Noah was going to continue getting sick and the last thing I wanted to do was take care of a sick baby outside of our own home.

But, we decided to stay. At least until the morning and see how he was feeling.

We had a really hard time getting Connor to fall asleep but eventually, everyone passed out. 


Probably the worst night of sleep for Abe.

Noah woke up Saturday morning totally fine and with a crazy big appetite! We tried to be as cautious as we could with what we were feeding him but the kid wanted to eat.



Some of the ladies of True North


Being sleep deprived and delirious is the perfect time to take silly photos 🙂

I am so glad we decided to stay and enjoy the weekend with our church family.


Noah was pretty obsessed with Matt and seemed to always find his way into his lap!

I personally experienced a lot of spiritual growth and overcame a couple issues I have been struggling with this weekend. It’s amazing to see the difference in praying alone and praying with others.  I also got to connect deeper with another mom who I really, really look up to. I was especially thankful for that.

I loved all of the chances we got to be in small groups and pray for each other. I learned a lot about the other members of our church in a short amount of time just by listening to someone else pray for them. But you know what was really cool? Being able to thank others for all of their hard work, or for the way they have impacted my life without even knowing they had! And, just being able to pray with these people. Powerful stuff, I tell ya!

Saturday night was much, much better. Noah slept in bed with Abe & I just fine and Connor had no problem falling asleep in his own bed.

We had another session with the church Sunday morning before heading home.

But the fun didn’t stop there!

About 40 minutes away from home Connor started to whine and fuss a little bit. He said “my tummy’s full”. I looked back at him and he was super pale. Instantly I knew he was going to get sick.

We were on “the scary part” of the I17 and there wasn’t anywhere to pull over so I just kept driving.

Sure enough, not even 5 minutes later Connor starts vomiting. Honestly, the most vomit I have seen in my life.

In his car seat. In his shoes. All over the seat in front of him. On the floor. EVERYWHERE.

So…we got off at the next exit, found a gas station and cleaned him up as best we could.

At that point, my head was pounding, I was exhausted, and just wanted to be home.

Despite all of the challenges that came with dealing with sick kids away from home, it was a really great weekend. I am so thankful for our church and their constant support. I have been told (and have even said myself) that it takes a village to raise a family. I am thankful to have these people as part of our village.


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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