9 Months – Audrey Grace

How is it possible my sweet baby girl is almost 1?! We are only three months away from Audrey’s first birthday and I am starting to really freak out. The sweet, exhausting baby days are coming to an end and we are about to have a toddler. How?!

These past nine months have absolutely flown by. I know I always say that but it is so true.

Audrey is eating a TON of food these days. Sister loves to eat and gets very loud if we are eating and she is not! I feed Audrey at least two meals a day, sometimes three. She loves broccoli, potatoes, and avocado. We also give her chicken, toast, oatmeal, and bananas. She is drinking water and loves to say “ahhh” after taking a big sip! 🙂

We went to the allergist a few weeks ago to try to figure out her vomiting and skin reactions. Her prick test was negative for any allergies but did show a sensitivity to dairy.

We were told to continue avoiding dairy, soy, eggs, and beef for now. The diet restrictions have been incredibly hard for me so I have decided to try to transition her to formula. She had a difficult time taking it at first but she is now taking the formula just fine. I am still pumping to keep up with my milk supply and will continue to do so until I know she is doing well on the formula. Once I know she is ok to be on the formula full time, I’ll stop pumping. I am building quite the freezer supply as we wait this out.

Highchair we love

Audrey has slept through the night several times the past month but it hasn’t been anything consistent. If she doesn’t sleep through the night, she is usually only up once. Her naps are still kind of all over the place but I think that has to do more with our busy schedule and less with her.

Sister has learned how to crawl and she is allll over the place now! She doesn’t want to be held and she for sure does not want to be in the stroller. Audrey wants to be on the floor playing, crawling & getting into trouble. She likes to stand and is working on pulling herself up. Before we know it this girl will be walking!

Activity Cube

She loves to clap and wave. She is still pretty quiet (not really laughing and some babble but not much) but she is starting to make more sounds. I cannot belive she still has zero teeth!

Audrey got to meet a lot of fun people the past few months. Abe’s brother, Augustine, came to visit us for a few days. My friend Rikki was in town and met up with us quickly. And our friends Ray and Rose came into town with their sweet daughter Emma.

And she also stayed in a hotel and went swimming for the first time!


And she also started going to Sunday School at church!

So much has happened in the past three months. I love this sweet girl more than I can put into words. She is so much fun and makes me the happiest mama.




I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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