1 Month – Audrey Grace

How has 1 month already passed? I cannot believe our sweet girl is already 1 month old! We love this little baby so much and have had so much fun with her the past 4 weeks!


Audrey has been to the pediatrician three times already and is growing perfectly!

She weighed 7lbs 10oz at birth and was already up to 8lbs 7oz at her 2 week visit! Sister loves to eat! We are breastfeeding but she has had a few bottles of pumped breast milk here and there. She does great taking a bottle and going back to the breast without any issues.

She sleeps like any newborn does- very randomly. I usually can get her to sleep about 3 hours before waking up to eat. She is starting to stay awake more between feeds and is more alert during the day. We don’t have a schedule yet & she’s still very easy to take places while napping in her carseat. I’m anxious to get her on a schedule, though, mostly because I am curious to see how she’ll do in the car with big brother’s school drop off & pickups.

She isn’t the biggest fan of bath time but she does enjoy having her hair washed. Speaking of her hair- it’s crazy! She has the least amount of hair out of the 3 kids but that does not mean it’s any less crazy than her brothers. I am so clueless when it comes to “doing” her hair and I never know how to brush it after her bath. I just put a bow on her head and hope that’s good enough for now. Her hair is also the lightest of the 3. She has “frosted tips” like a 90’s boy band member and I love it!! I’m excited to see what color hair she ends up with.

Her brothers love her! Connor is more quiet & gentle with his love for her- asking to hold her only a few times and gentle kisses on her head. Noah– this kid cannot get enough of his sister! He LOVES her. He loves to be near her. He loves to touch her and talk to her and burp her and play with her and talk to her. I am excited to see their bond over the next few years. I see them being best friends. Audrey has no choice, really. Haha! According to Noah, they will be best friends if she likes it or not.

As I mentioned before, she was born breech. Because of this, she will have a hip ultrasound in a couple weeks to make sure there aren’t any issues from her snuggled up position in the womb. She still keeps her little legs curled up but as no problem stretching them out, too. I don’t expect any issues but I think a hip ultrasound is standard with breech babies.

That’s about it as far as updates go. Here’s a bunch of cute photos 🙂


































I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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