30 Weeks Pregnant

Hello, third trimester! I am so excited to be in the beginning portion of my third and final trimester! I cannot wait to get my hands on this sweet girl growing inside my belly!
How far along? 30 weeks exactly!
Symptoms: I am feeling really, really good most days. I am having a hard time getting a good night sleep so I do get tired but for the most part, I feel good. Last weekend my calves were super sore along with my hips but that has gone away for the most part. I still get pain but it’s not as intense as it was.
Total weight gain: I have gained 17 pounds so far. I’ve got 9 more weeks to go so I think I’m on track with a healthy overall weight gain.
Maternity clothes? Yup.
Stretch Marks: I think I may have noticed a couple new ones. Not too thrilled with this but I’m not sure what else I can do? I drink tons of water and moisturize my belly as much as I can but I think if they’re gunna come, they’re gunna come. 🙁
Are you showing yet?: Absolutely!
Wedding Rings on or off?: On.
Sleep: Sleep could be better. I am such a light sleeper so it does not take much for me to wake up throughout the night. I hear the wind blowing outside, little tiny Noah feet walking into our room, Abe snoring. I hear it all. I also have really crazy dreams that wake me up at night. I try to nap for about 45 minutes each afternoon and that helps me get through the rest of the day.
Movement:Yes! This baby moves so much! It feels like she is so far down low but the ultrasound I had yesterday showed she’s actually breech and her legs and arms are off to my left side. I’m not sure what she’s doing in there but sister is always moving!
Miss Anything? Beer. Especially as it’s getting so hot outside, an ice cold beer sounds so good! I am also really missing botox. I am overdue for a treatment but it is not recommended during pregnancy. So, my wrinkly forehead will have to wait until after baby girl is here.
Cravings: Cold salads. Cold fruit and also Diet Lemonade from Chick-fil-A.
Best moment: At my 28 week appointment my fundal height was measuring at 33 weeks! I was pretty freaked out by that because I definitely don’t feel huge. But because it was 5 weeks off, my doctor ordered a growth ultrasound. I had that ultrasound yesterday and oh. my. goodness! We got some really amazing shots of our baby girl. The tech was so sweet and just as excited as we were to see our girl. She kept mentioning her “button nose” and “perfect profile”. It was extra special to have my mom and the boys at the appointment with me. The baby is measuring around 3 pounds and in the 41st percentile so the tech thinks the large fundal height is due to her being breech.
Looking forward to: This is Connor’s last week of school and then we are officially on summer break/baby prep time. I am excited to finish up buying last minute things we may need and just getting the house ready. We have 63 days left until delivery day!
What do the boys think?: The boys are excited. Connor showed the most interest he has ever shown at the appointment yesterday. We are all counting down the days until she arrives!

I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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