Anniversary Weekend

Last weekend Abe and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary! I am still a little surprised when I hear myself say we have been married for 5 years. It seems like our wedding was only a couple of years ago! A lot has happened in 5 years…job changes, moves, babies, surgeries…so this felt like a big one to celebrate!

Abe made sure the celebrations started bright and early on Thursday morning. I woke up to the sweetest surprise!


This amazing bag was waiting for me on my dresser! My husband knows how to spoil me, that’s for sure!

Thursday morning I had the chance to volunteer at Connor’s school for his Boston Tea Party! I love seeing my guy at school. This day was extra fun because the kids had been learning so much about The Revolutionary War. To be able to help them with different crafts & activities related to this time was extra fun!  All of the kids were so into it!


Thursday evening was Connor’s Art Show. He presented his work “Apples and Oranges”. The art work at the show was so impressive! I was blown away by the students creativity and skill.


Friday morning I had a quick appointment with my OB before we started our staycation! We have stayed at the Embassy Suites before with the boys and we really like how comfortable we are in the room and how close it is to restaurants, shopping and other activities. Abe planned for all of us to stay there again and the boys and I were super excited.

After checking in a bit early, we walked across the street to the Biltmore for lunch. We decided on Wink 24. The food was so delicious.


After our lunch on the patio we were definitely ready for some pool time! I packed the boys a small surprise of fun pool toys and snacks for them to open before we went down for a swim.






The pool is heated so it was the perfect temperature for us all. The boys showed off a few of their swim skills they had been working on and we played with their new swim toys.

After a couple hours in the pool this prego was seriously craving some ice cream. I found this cute gelato spot across the street so we walked over. You guys! This stuff was so tasty. And so pretty 🙂


After our first full day- we were pooped! We also noticed Noah was starting to come down with a fever and nasty cough. We decided to call it a night and put the boys to bed in their room (living room area with fold out couch. That may have been Noah’s favorite part of the entire vacation- the “transforming bed”!) and Abe and I hung out in our room.


Until Noah woke up pretty pissed off and burning hot. Ugh. It was bound to happen though. Last year on this trip Connor got Bells Palsy. Maybe next year when we take this trip the baby will get sick? (I probably just jinxed myself!)

After a long night with minimal sleep, we woke up and desperately needed food & coffee. Noah was still not feeling well but he tried his best to not give in to how crappy he was feeling.


After breakfast and showers I walked across the street for a little shopping! It was nice to have a little alone time and to be able to take my time in a few stores. I grabbed some cute sandals, a few maternity tops and of course a few things for #babygirllee.

I got back to the room just in time to grab the boys and walk over to AMC for a movie.



You can really tell in this photo that Noah was just not feeling well. He fell asleep towards the middle of the movie and slept the until it was over.

We grabbed a quick lunch at Zinburger- probably the best burger I have had in a long time- annnd gelato again before heading back to the hotel to get Noah some tylenol. Poor guy had a high fever by this point.



I was in a bit of a food coma & the boys wanted some quiet time so we hung out in the room for a couple hours before heading downstairs for happy hour.

We don’t usually allow the boys to take their ipads anywhere but we were just hanging out downstaris so we allowed them to bring them outside. We put the boys at their own table right beside us and they were so quiet. It kinda felt like we were on a date 🙂


After breakfast on Sunday morning we went back out for our last swim time. Noah was still not feeling 100% but his fever was under control by this point and he slept much better.


After showers and packing up we walked across the street to True Food for Mother’s Day lunch.


I really wanted to get one nice picture of the boys and me for Mother’s Day but it just wasn’t happening.


Connor had a headache and Noah’s fever was creeping up so this was as good as it was going to get.

After lunch we made our way home. One of my favorite parts of a staycation is that the drive home usually takes less than 30 minutes!

We had such a great weekend celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary and Mother’s Day. I feel so blessed to have all three of my boys! They sure did spoil me.




I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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  1. 5.26.17
    Abe said:

    Another fabulous and memorable weekend my love. Happy anniversary!! You are my one true love ❤️😍