Weekend Wrap Up – October 7

This weekend could not have started out any better! Noah and I got to hang out with Judah for a few hours while his mom & dad worked. Noah and I had so much fun and neither of us could get enough of sweet Judah! If you follow me on instagram, you have probably seen most of these photos but I just had to share them again!


Judah is the happiest, most easy-going baby I have ever been around! His smiles are the sweetest and he makes the most adorable baby sounds, ever!


Taking care of Judah was a team effort, for sure. Noah wanted to help with absolutely everything…even changing his diaper! And surprisingly, he was a great help! He loved making Judah smile and talked to him non-stop! I can’t even count the number of times Noah told me “Mommy! Judah smiled at me!”

After feeding Judah, we took him for a walk. Noah really wanted to take Judah down the slide but agreed to let him continue napping, instead! We played at the park for a bit while Judah napped in his car seat before heading back home.


Noah was bummed to learn just how long babies can nap for! He asked me just about every 5 minutes “Is Judah awake yet?!”. Fortunately, Noah waited patiently for Judah to finish his nap before playing some more.




Judah’s mommy picked him up in the early afternoon and we were sad to say goodbye! Noah insisted Judah borrow his stuffed elephant and I’m sure was not going to let Judah leave the house without it!

We had the best day playing with Judah and I was so proud of how helpful and super sweet Noah was with him. Jane even sent us a photo later in the evening to show us Judah was playing with the elephant Noah gave him 🙂

We picked up Connor from school and came back home. Abe’s been sick so after he got home from work we had a pretty quiet evening. I heated up a quick leftover dinner (glazed chicken with coconut rice from Hello Fresh. For $40 off your first box use my code: YTUREG) and we just hung out at the house for a bit before putting the boys to bed for the night.

Connor and I started out Saturday morning at his school for their annual Mother-Son event! We were both really looking forward to this day. I love any excuse to have one-on-one time with my boys so this was the perfect way to get some alone time with Connor. This years theme was Around the World. After checking in and getting our passport, we headed in to the photo booth. Connor practiced his silly face a few times and agreed to give me one nice face 😉


We played a few minute to win it games before he ran off to play tug of war with his friends.



I love that I have last year’s event photos on my phone. It’s fun to compare last year to this year! (I really should get more exciting with my wardrobe- jeans and a white tee two years in a row! Kinda embarrassing!)



After the event we went to Barnes and Noble for another school function. They were hosting a book fair with a percentage of sales that day coming back to the school. We spent over an hour at the book store! I absolutely love children’s books! It’s fun to add special books to the boys’ home library and Connor loved picking out books about things he’s learning about in school!


After the bookstore we decided to finish our day date with lunch. While waiting for our table we played around with snapchat. Connor loves playing with the different filters and we always crack up seeing his face swapped with someone else!



We quickly ate lunch together before heading home to Noah and Daddy. We read some of the books we picked out at the store before having some ipad time. Abe’s still not feeling well so the boys and I played quietly while Abe got some rest.

Connor had earned a free ice cream from his read-a-thon at school, so Saturday evening the boys and I went out for ice cream. Noah had been in the house most of the day so he was pretty excited to get out for a bit.


I’m looking a little rough in this picture! It was a busy day and I was beyond exhausted. But it was a fun way to end the night with my sweet little guys.


Sunday morning came way too early and I totally woke up on the wrong side of the bed! The boys woke up super early and made it their mission to let us know they were awake and ready for the day. I was tired and crabby and needed a quick attitude adjustment before I could take on the day. A quick run to Starbucks and all was (almost) right in our world.


I still felt a bit of sass in me but not sure why. Fatigue? Maybe. But as soon as we got to church and started worshipping together I felt much better. I shared a photo last week of Connor, Abe and I in worship service together and I snapped a couple more of Connor this week. It just makes my heart burst with pride when I see my son praising God in his own way.

After church it was homework time! Connor doesn’t usually have a lot of homework on the weekend but he’s been struggling in math so I picked up a few math workbooks for a little extra practice. Surprisingly, he didn’t put up any fight when I asked him to do a few extra exercises.


Abe’s still not feeling the best and I got a pretty annoying headache, so other than a few Sunday evening chores (meal plan, laundry, etc.) we were pretty mellow. Take out and Below Deck before bathing the boys and putting them to bed rounded out our weekend.

This time of year always gets super busy for us and the next several weeks are no different. Between Connor’s school activities, Abe’s work schedule, and fun Fall events…we are busy! Fall Break is coming up so I’m sure this week will be spent preparing for that.

I hope everyone has a great week! Do you have anything fun planned this fall? Let me know what you all are up to!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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