How is Audrey already 6 months old? Half a year has flown by since she was born. This seems absolutely impossible!
We saw a GI specialist this month to address the spit up and her yucky poops. (talked a little bit about it here) The appointment went really, really well and I absolutely loved the doctor. He agrees that Audrey definitely has milk/soy protein intolerance and possibly some food allergies/sensitivities. He recommended that I continue to strictly avoid dairy and soy and any other foods that I notice her reacting to. He changed her reflux medication and ordered some lab work. He said that if her labs are normal we can continue breastfeeding while avoiding dairy and soy but if her lab work is concerning we may need to switch to formula. We are waiting for the lab results and are hopeful they will be normal. The diet has been really hard for me to get used to but I feel really encouraged to keep up with our breastfeeding journey. (And the specialty formula is freaking expensive!)