6 Months – Audrey Grace

How is Audrey already 6 months old? Half a year has flown by since she was born. This seems absolutely impossible!


We saw a GI specialist this month to address the spit up and her yucky poops. (talked a little bit about it here) The appointment went really, really well and I absolutely loved the doctor. He agrees that Audrey definitely has milk/soy protein intolerance and possibly some food allergies/sensitivities. He recommended that I continue to strictly avoid dairy and soy and any other foods that I notice her reacting to. He changed her reflux medication and ordered some lab work. He said that if her labs are normal we can continue breastfeeding while avoiding dairy and soy but if her lab work is concerning we may need to switch to formula. We are waiting for the lab results and are hopeful they will be normal. The diet has been really hard for me to get used to but I feel really encouraged to keep up with our breastfeeding journey. (And the specialty formula is freaking expensive!)

We have given Audrey more purees and I started to give her more table foods. She has had chicken, avocados, bananas, blueberries, and toast. Sister loved the toast just like her mama! I really love the idea of infant self-feeding and plan to take the Feeding Littles course for Babies to learn more about Baby Led Weaning. I think the course will be good for Abe and I as Audrey’s parents but I also think it will be really helpful for Abe in his practice.
Sleep is getting better but still not as good as it was. We stopped swaddling and took the DockATot out of her crib since she is a rollie pollie. I know plenty of moms who continue to use the DockATot in the crib but I didn’t feel comfortable with it. We start her bedtime routine around 6:30 or 7 each night. She’ll usually give us at least a 5-6 hour stretch before waking to eat. Abe takes this first feeding so I can get a few hours more sleep and it makes such a huge difference in how I feel in the morning. She’ll then wake up usually 3 hours later. I change her and feed her and she’s ready to go back down for a few more hours. During the week I have to wake her up around 7 so that we can get the boys to school. On the weekend she will sometimes sleep until 7:30 or 8. So sleep isn’t horrible but it could definitely be better.
Naps have been hit or miss lately. Her morning nap starts around 2.5 hours after she gets up and it’s usually her best nap of the day lasting about 2 hours. Her afternoon nap is usually absolute crap so I end up having to wear her in the wrap and pray she’ll sleep for at least an hour.
Play hasn’t changed too much since the last update. We still play on the large play mat and read a lot of books. She’s totally mastered the rollie-pollie and does not stay where I leave her! She can scoot and spin herself around on her belly to change the direction she’s facing. If she sees a toy she wants she’ll scoot and spin on her belly to get to it. It’s so fun to watch! She’s starting to sit unsupported for a about a minute before she starts to slowly slump forward.
She’s also super aware of her brothers and stares at them all the time! Noah cannot get enough of Audrey and has to be near her and in every photo I take of her! Connor is still much more subtle with how much he loves her. I can’t wait for her to interact with them more!
It’s been a fun six months and I am realllly looking forward to the next six months. I’m excited to watch her learn to crawl and move around more. I am hoping she becomes more vocal and really can’t wait to hear her laughing more!

I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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