2016 Goals

As we start out a new year (where the heck did you come from 2016?!) I can’t help but think about new goals & adventures I have in mind for this year. There are several areas of my life I want to focus on & improve this year. Hopefully by putting it all here, my little spot on the Internet, I’ll feel more motivated to keep up with my goals. So, if you see me slackin’, call me out on it!

Ok. So here we go….

Marriage: I love my husband. I love my husband so very much. He is so good to me. He loves me & supports all my crazy ideas. This year I want to focus on showing him the same love & support. I have learned that he doesn’t feel loved in the same ways I feel loved. Ya know like the 5 Love Languages? So I am going to learn to love him in the ways that he actually feels my love. I’d also really love it if we could go on one kid free vacation this year. With buying a new house & some other things going on I’m not sure this will be possible. But I would love to try to make it happen!


Kids: I am going to enjoy being my kids’ mom. I’m going to work on taking off all the pressure I put on myself to be a “good mom” and just BE their mom. I know I’m a good mom…so it’s time to let go of the checklist that I have in my mind of what makes me a good mom & just have fun with them!

I will continue to do my best to raise polite, kind boys. Teaching the boys how to be good friends & respecting adults is important to me.

For Connor, I want to see him make big progress in therapy this year! I am committed to supporting him in any way to make this happen. I also want to get him into a sport. He enjoys playing soccer at school so I think that may be something we try this year!

2016-2And for Noah, I want to spend more quality one on one time with him. We have a couple hours each day, just to the two of us, so instead of dragging him around to run errands, I want to make the most out of this time we have together. Obviously this isn’t possible each day because, well…life, but I’m going to focus on being in the moment more & spending time with my sweet guy before he’s in school like his big brother!

2016-31 family vacation would be really nice, too! We’ll see…


Friends: This last year took a lot out of me. I felt like I had zero time for anything other than doctor’s appointments or researching different diagnoses. I felt very isolated & misunderstood with all that we had going on with our son. So, this year I’d like to be a better friend. I’m going to make time for a social life & make an effort to keep in touch with friends!


Family: The same for friends goes for family. I feel disconnected from family due to the craziness we went through but I want to make this better. I can’t wait to host family BBQs & a cousin sleepover at the new house!


Spiritual Growth: This is an area I am constantly working on & growing in. A few specific areas I feel need my attention are…

-Sunday School. As most of you know I’m a part of the Sunday school ministry team at our church. Cari and I take care of the baby/toddler & preschool/kindergarten group. This year I hope to become a better leader and see this ministry grow!

-Community group. Women’s group is so, so good for my soul. It’s easy to not go…it’s late. I’m tired. It’s a farther drive than it used to be. I didn’t prepare. Kids need me. But when I go, when I get a chance to connect with the other women of our church, I feel so good inside. It makes me feel less isolated. And it’s just awesome to know I have the best group of women by my side as we go through this crazy, busy, blessed life.


Health: Stress definitely takes a toll on my body. Last year I was so exhausted & felt run down each and every day. I never woke up from a full night of sleep feeling rested. My skin looks tired & old. This year I want to focus on managing the stress better. I know how important it is to get exercise in each day. Now, I wont say that I am going to be hitting the gym every day because I know that is not realistic for me. But I will focus on getting exercise more often. That doesn’t have to be in the gym (but with the $80/month gym membership I have, it should be in the gym!) but even walks outside with the boys or a family scooter ride!

I also want to cook more meals at home & spend more time being active as a family over the weekends.

Last summer I lost 35 pounds and I’d like (obviously!) to keep that off.

I want to learn more about nutrition & supplements my family could benefit from.


School: I am signed up for 3 classes this spring semester. I look forward to these classes and plan to manage my time better so that I can actually enjoy what I am learning instead of feeling rushed to turn in assignments.


Blog: I really love my blog. It may seem silly & pointless to others but I really enjoy it. I have big plans for it this year so stay tuned! 🙂


Well, there you have it, guys! My goals for 2016.


I pray this year will be a happy, healthy year for all of us!


Big hugs,



I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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