2 Months – Audrey Grace

Guys! Audrey is already two months old! How did that happen? This girl has had a very busy two months so let’s get into this update!


She is currently 11lbs 4oz (62%) & 22 inches long (35%). She’s short & chunky with a huge head just like her brothers.

At Audrey’s 2 week well check her pediatrician commented on her coloring. I thought she looked yellow, too but her pediatrician was certain it was just from the breastmilk. She did give us a lab order and said to stop by the lab around 5 weeks if we feel she still looks yellow. A few weeks later & no real change in her coloring, I decided to take her to the lab. We got the results a couple days later. Her bilirubin level was high but it’s considered indirect (due to breastfeeding & not a true liver issue) so we don’t have to do anything for it. The pediatrician said she can look yellow until she starts eating solids. I had no idea it could last that long.


I brought her to see the pediatrician at 7 weeks to discuss putting her on reflux medication. She has always been a spitter but it was becoming more obvious to me that the reflux was causing her pain so we agreed to put her on some Zantac. I’m happy to report this has totally helped! I also took dairy out of my diet to see if this would help the gassiness & spit up. I’m not sure if she’s truly intolerant to dairy but I’ll keep it out of my diet for a few more months before introducing it again.

She also had her hip ultrasound done this month. Because she was born breech she needed to have her hips checked out. We were so happy to hear that everything looks good with her hips. I notice, though, that she still always has her legs folded up and the pediatrician spends a little more time when she checks her hips. I’m not sure if that means anything- especially since the ultrasound was normal, but I’ll definitely keep an eye on it.


Last weekend we noticed Audrey wasn’t her usual self. She wasn’t giving out any smiles and just seemed “off”. Abe was actually the first to comment on how she was acting but I thought maybe she was just a little sleepy. A few hours later Abe said he thought she felt warm. Neither one of us wanted to check her temperature but I knew we needed to know if she did truly have a fever. (Babies under 2 months shouldn’t get a fever. If they do, they have to go to the ER for labs.) Sure enough, baby girl had a 100.6 temperature. We waited a bit but the fever wasn’t going away completely so we had to bring her to the emergency room. It was a pretty horrible experience, to be honest. The nurses weren’t able to get an IV started so they had to poke her 3 times for blood. The first time they cathed her they were only able to get drops of urine so she needed to be cathed twice. Then, the physician was unable to get the lumbar puncture but he tried three different times. Our poor baby was poked and prodded everywhere! It was absolutely heartbreaking. Thankfully, all the labs came back negative and we were able to bring her home after 7 hours in the ER and a shot of antibiotics.


We had to take Audrey to urgent care the next day to get her second dose of antibiotics & just like the ER, it did not go smoothly. The staff were “afraid” to give an infant a shot so the NP did it. She used the wrong syringe and pushed very hard/fast and the syringe exploded and medication went everywhere. So, she got poked again. It was horrible & I’ll never go back.


Other than all the “medical” stuff she has been through, things have been really great! She has fallen into a pretty nice schedule. She’s more awake during the day between feeds. She’s taking three naps during the day; 1 morning nap after we drop the boys at school, another early afternoon nap & then usually a shorter one in the late afternoon. We start getting her ready for bed at around 7pm and she’s usually asleep by 7:30 or 8. Before I go to bed I’ll pump so that Abe can feed her when she wakes up for the first time- usually sometime between 12 and 1. Then she usually sleeps another 4 hours and I’ll get up to nurse her. Most mornings I have to wake her up around 7 to take the boys to school. This schedule is working out nicely and it just kind of happened. We had a couple nights of her sleeping 6 hour stretches so I’m really hoping we can get that to be a little more consistent.

She is still exclusively breastfed and that is going well, obviously. She’s got lots and lots of rolls!

She has been more active and super, super smiley! Abe could not wait for her to be two months old ad start smiling. I always told him not to rush it because I loved her being a tiny baby but he was so right! These baby smiles and coo’s are THE.BEST! I forgot how sweet it is to get a genuine smile from your baby.

I’m looking forward to her “playing” more & I think Noah is, too. He’s really good at entertaining her for a couple minutes but he does get bored when she just lays there staring at the fan.


That’s it as far as her update goes. Now for the photo dump!

















boppy lounger


our monitor






swaddleme wrap







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I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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