15 Months – Audrey Grace

I am a couple weeks late but a lot has happened over the past three months so I wanted to still share Audrey’s 15-month update.

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We had Audrey’s 15-month well visit a few weeks ago and I was not super surprised to learn that she has lost some weight since her 12-month appointment. Overnight, it seems, Sister has turned into a very difficult toddler to feed. She isn’t interested in a lot of the food we give her and she doesn’t eat much. It’s frustrating and absolutely concerning to see her lose weight when she should be gaining.

I mentioned in her last update that we were going to trial dairy. We no longer read food labels and we are now giving her whatever we eat. She isn’t interested in cheese by itself (string cheese, shredded cheese) but she will eat cheese when it is in something. She seems to do well when she has had small amounts of cheese. She will absolutely refuse milk of any kind, though. Almond, Ripple, cows milk, toddler formula…milk of any kind. She’ll take one sip of the milk and gag and refuse to drink anymore. So for now, she only drinks water.

Some things she does like: dino chicken nuggets, graham crackers, cucumbers, waffles, chicken sausage, smoothies, pears, and apple slices.

We are working on figuring out her diet and getting her to gain some weight. I took the feeding littles course for infants and I am really considering taking the toddlers course to make sure we figure out this picky eating before it becomes a serious problem.

You definitely can’t tell by looking at her that we are worried about her weight 🙂

Audrey is still taking two naps most days but if we need her to, we can get her to skip the morning nap and just take one longer nap in the early afternoon. Or she’ll take a morning nap and skip the afternoon nap if we are out of the house. I can see her dropping her morning nap for good pretty soon. She sleeps well at night. We put her down around 7:30 and she will sleep until about 6:30 or 7 in the morning.

Audrey started walking a few days before she turned one and has just gotten more steady and super fast!

She is still into absolutely everything and is starting to climb, too.

She has started to show an interest in music and will now do a tiny little dance when she hears music. And then she loves to say “yayyyyy” and clap when the song ends. It’s adorable.

Since it is finally cool enough we have been spending a lot of time outside. She really likes to play in the backyard as well as the park. Abe showed her how to get in and out of the cozy coupe so that’s usually the first thing she goes to when we get outside. She also likes opening and closing the windows on the playhouse. I am thinking she will get some kind of bike or trike for Christmas. Maybe something like this?

Audrey loves books and actually prefers to read over playing with toys most of the time. She loves the lift the flap books by Karen Katz, Mr. Brown Can Moo. Can you?, and she also loves the Baby Colors book.

She can point to most of her body parts because of this book!

I am loving the stage that we are in with Audrey. She is so much fun and is learning new things each day! She can say mama, mommy, dada, daddy, bye, book, off, snack, water, uh oh, and thank you. She signs more, please, all done, and again. I think she tries to say Connor and Noah’s names but I’m not totally sure.

Speaking of her brothers, she stinking LOVES them! She gets so excited when she sees them when she wakes up in the morning and she loveeees when they get in the car after school. They have loved her for so long so I love seeing her get so excited for them now, too!

She goes back and forth between being a daddy’s girl and a mama’s girl. It really depends on her mood but if I had to choose, I’d say she is more of a daddy’s girl.





I found Noah’s 15-month update and loved reading through it and remembering how he was at the same age as Audrey is now!


I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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