Preschool Board Games

I am so excited that Connor is at the age where he enjoys and understands how to play board games. He has really figured out how to wait his turn, share, and encourage others. It is a lot of fun to see that side of him come out when he plays games with other friends. I have done a lot of searching for board games that are not only fun but educational as well. Here is our list of our favorite Preschool Board Games!

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1. Stack Up by Peaceable Kingdom: Peaceable Kingdom is my most favorite brand of board games for kids. They include 3 different ways to play the game depending on age. They are quick to play, most are done in about 15 minutes. This game is a team game with all the players working towards one goal–stack 10 blocks before the Block Smasher gets to the tower of blocks. It also includes some challenges which have the player sing a song, march in place, or cover one eye while stacking the block. I love that this game encourages the group to work together. Connor, Abe and I played this game together today and really loved it!

2. Raccoon Rumpus by Educational Insights: This game is great for younger preschoolers. Connor laughs so hard when we play this game. To play this game you roll the two dice. One has pictures of clothing and the other has a color on each side. So if you roll a Blue & a Shirt you would pick up the card that has a blue shirt and put it on your raccoon. The player who collects the most clothing wins. If you roll the underwear, your raccoon loses all his clothes and that player has to start over. It’s a silly, fun game that is easy to play.

3. Connect 4 by Hasbro: An oldie but goodie! Connor isn’t old enough to totally understand how to play this game but we have found many other ways to play. We like to sort the red and black chips, count them, make patterns with them, and just randomly put them into the slots. This is a great fine motor practice for Connor. Using his fingers to pinch the chip and slide it into the slot is a great exercise for his little fingers!

4. Feed the Woozle by Peaceable Kingdom: Another really great game by Peaceable Kingdom. Again, this game has different levels of play depending on how old the players are. The object of the game is to feed the cute little monster 12 silly snacks. The first player will roll the die to determine how many snacks he will put on the giant spoon to feed to the monster. Then, the designated spinner spins to see which movement the player would have to do to get to the monster. Spin? Walk backward? This is where it can get tricky and your snacks may fall off the spoon. The game is over when the monster has eaten 12 snacks. Another really great team game!

5. Disney Characters Matching: This is another game that we don’t necessarily play by the rules. At first, I would just set out a handful of cards face up and have Connor find its pair. Then as he got older, we set out all of the cards and found all 4 cards of the same character. We have started to play the “right way” by setting out all of the cards face down and matching them. This is definitely a challenge for Connor but I know he will have it down in no time!

6. Snug as a Bug in a Rug: This is a really fun matching game. The first player spins the spinner to see which bug he is looking for to place under the rug. The goal is to get the bugs under the rug before the stink bugs come! I love that these games have different levels of playing so the game can grow with the child. Also, Peaceable Kingdom offers free replacement pieces if you ever lose a piece! How cool is that?!

7. Cootie: Another well-known game. Be the first one to complete a cootie bug and you win! This is great for Connor because attaching the bug parts to the body helps strengthen his weak hands!

8. The Ladybug Game by Zobmondo: This game was created by a first grader! So cool!  The object of this game is to help the ladybugs get back to their rosebush home. The players take turns picking the ladybug cards and doing what they say…either moving forward or backward. There are special spots on the board that allow you to skip several spots or force you back. The first one to get their ladybug home wins! This is a much longer game but it is very cute and Connor enjoys it.

So, there you have it! Our favorite Preschool Board Games! Let me know if you have played any of these. What are your favorite board games to play with your family?




I am a 30ish-year-old Phoenix native, iced coffee addict, and mama to three super cute kids. I fell in love with my husband 10 years ago and now have a busy life as a stay-at-home mom. I am passionate about family and empowering new mothers to overcome all the obstacles that life throws their way. Here on the blog, you can find simple ways to make everyday life with your kids a little more special. Make sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with our daily happenings.

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